Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 30 total)
Cechk if yor data source is valid. In your FoodMart database, goto Data Sources and Right Click for Edit. and then test connection.
May 5, 2002 at 10:24 pm
U can select the columns from table and use FOR XML clause to get data in XML format
SELECT Customers.CustomerID, Orders.OrderID, Customers.ContactName
FROM Customers, Orders
WHERE Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
Regd storing data...
November 23, 2001 at 4:22 am
SQL server doesnt support encryption for storing password in user tables.
Pl. have a look at following articles for reference
November 16, 2001 at 3:03 am
You can create a maximum of 16379 security accounts for a database. The maximum number of roles that you can create for a database is 16367.
You use the sp_addrole stored...
November 8, 2001 at 9:04 pm
Your update statement should be
SQLStmt = "UPDATE helpdesk SET progress = '" & txtProgress & "' where SupportID ='" & LogNo & "'"
November 8, 2001 at 5:43 am
The DTS package can be modified by the owner only, you cant share it. Steves solution will also do.
November 6, 2001 at 2:16 am
I guess this might be useful for you.
November 5, 2001 at 2:24 am
u can give him OLAP Admin rights. The OLAP admins can't change the data from database. They can create cubes only using data.
October 28, 2001 at 1:07 am
Have u tried processing the cube?
if it processes successfully and still u r unable to browse pl. use the workaround given in KB document
October 24, 2001 at 3:14 am
I guess u forgot to quote the message above Unspecified error. Service pack might not be an issue. But if you have installed .net studio on the machine then u...
October 24, 2001 at 1:02 am
Microsoft is releasing a Type 4 JDBC driver for SQL Server 2000. It's based on code licensed from Merant.
Download the beta here:
October 18, 2001 at 10:52 pm
There is no way to copy/export DTS package. U can use Save As from Enterprise Manager option to Save package to other server or on to file which u can...
October 18, 2001 at 5:08 am
Just check if the Full text search is enabled or not.
In Enterprise Manager go to Support services and start Full Text Search.
I think this will solve ur problem.
October 12, 2001 at 3:20 am
Do u mean to say using browser? ..Not possible..
What I considered is atleast user can do telnet/connect through pcanywhere and run the script.
October 12, 2001 at 1:29 am
SELECT Student.Name, Grades.Class, Grades.Grade
October 12, 2001 at 1:19 am
Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 30 total)