Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 330 total)
Then table variable(@) cant be use at this point use temp table (#) ,where you can use or modify the table
--Create temp table
create table #temp(
number int not null,
alpha varchar(50)...
December 6, 2010 at 3:05 pm
adonetok (12/6/2010)
How to create index in table variable? The code below will get an error:declare @order table (
member_name varchar(30),
address varchar(50)
CREATE INDEX IX_member_name
ON @order (member_name)
See the below samples
December 6, 2010 at 2:52 pm
where ProcedureCodeID = @CodeID)
)-- is Missed
Dont just post the code with out crossverfying it is simple and basic step, you should be able to solve.
December 6, 2010 at 2:30 pm
SET @string = ''
SELECT @string = @string + 'EXEC ( ''sp_helptext ' + name + ' '')' from sys.sysobjects where xtype in('p','tr','v') order by Xtype
EXEC ( @string )
December 6, 2010 at 2:15 pm
SQL ORACLE (12/3/2010)
Not table structure, but data.Any input will be greatly appreciated.
If your table is having datetime field then you can use order by datetime desc
or if you dont...
December 3, 2010 at 12:45 pm
chloe-1002909 (12/3/2010)
I can run basic queries, but need a little assistance on a more difficult query:
I have a table which contains order lines. Within this table I have...
December 3, 2010 at 12:31 pm
Check this
declare @date datetime
set @date='2010-11-30 22:30:38.047'
SELECT substring(convert(varchar(32),@date,121),12,5)
SELECT convert(varchar(32),Case When substring(convert(varchar(32),@date,121),12,2)>12 then
substring(convert(varchar(32),@date,121),12,2)-12 else substring(convert(varchar(32),@date,121),12,2) end )
+':'+substring(convert(varchar(32),@date,121),9,2)+' '+
Case When substring(convert(varchar(32),@date,121),12,2)>12 then 'PM' Else 'AM' end
declare @date datetime
set @date='2010-11-30 10:30:38.047'
SELECT substring(convert(varchar(32),@date,121),12,5)
November 30, 2010 at 1:37 pm
Can you explain clearly what you are trying to say,the above query runs fine for me it gives correct result
November 30, 2010 at 9:50 am
Declare @input int
Declare @input1 decimal(3,1)
Select @input ='303'
Select @input1 ='30.3'
Select @input ,@input1
Declare @input int
Declare @input1 decimal(3,1)
Select @input ='30'
Select @input1 ='3.0'
Select @input ,@input1
Declare @input int
Declare @input1 decimal(3,1)
Select @input ='3'
November 24, 2010 at 10:52 am
dbaduck (11/23/2010)
November 23, 2010 at 11:19 pm
GilaMonster (11/23/2010)
You can't set compatibility mode to 100 in SQL 2005. The highest is 90. 100 requires SQL Server 2008.If you meant something else, please be clear.
Thats why i have...
November 23, 2010 at 7:23 am
GilaMonster (11/22/2010)
November 23, 2010 at 6:57 am
Is the version of SQL Server with which the database is to be made compatible. The value must be one of the following:
80 = SQL Server 2000
90 = SQL...
November 22, 2010 at 3:03 pm
If you get the below things
No row was updated.
The data in row X was not committed.
Error Source: Microsoft.VisualStudio.DataTools.
Error Message: The row value(s) updated or deleted either do...
November 22, 2010 at 1:53 pm
I have used the Source ---->derived column and unionall ---->Destination it has run sucessfully.i need to check duplicates in this ,that is i need to find the duplicate record in...
November 19, 2010 at 9:11 am
Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 330 total)