Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 116 total)

  • RE: What Do You Dislike?

    Hello Chris. My 100% support for your arguments! It's been annoying for years and it still is.

    But - as I found out, even a lot of experienced developers don't know,...

  • RE: "progressive update" query - urgent help needed.

    What the heck are you trying to do

    Where does "decay" come from?

  • RE: Incorrect amount returned in ''''having'''' statement

    😉 I'm born non-profit

  • RE: Incorrect amount returned in ''''having'''' statement

    >What is returned from your query if a row in the credit_card_bank_number table has no matches in the join tables or a match in one join table and not the...

  • RE: Showing Data in Column




       WHEN BALANCE BETWEEN 51 AND 500 THEN '51-500'

       WHEN BALANCE BETWEEN 501 AND 1000 THEN '501-1000'

       ELSE 'above 1000'


  • RE: Showing Data in Column

    on christmas eve only. no special wishes during the year.

  • RE: Trigger function

    EXEC stored_proc ... But mind unwanted recursion, which can occur, if your stored_proc involves the originating table's data (where the trigger is attached to). The difference to a DTS? Synchronicity, first...

  • RE: Walking through Data

    You're welcome. My PayPal account: I think, 10 cents will do

  • RE: Incorrect amount returned in ''''having'''' statement

    Though I'm not Ray M .... 😉  and I did not say many, I said TOO many.

    As we are talking of funds - mine would love some improvement 😉

    SELECT   CCBN.entity_number,



  • RE: Incorrect amount returned in ''''having'''' statement

    Ray M is right. nevertheless, in your case, problems are obvious at a distance 😉 and you can see them by yourself when...

  • RE: Walking through Data

    In case you're always looking for the same predefined thing there's no need to loop:


     Substring(E.BODY, CHARINdEX('Serial Number:',E.BODY), CHARINDEX('Current Meter:', E.BODY)-CHARINdEX('Serial Number:',E.BODY)) AS yourString,

     'thank you paramind' AS myString

    FROM tblEmailTest AS...

  • RE: Counter

    I have to add another possibly working solution (not tested that, just an idea):

    INSERT INTO targetTable










    : New_ID() is a GUID created for each record. As...

  • RE: Counter

    >Well, then I don't think you need a special table to hold the last value. You can get the highest existing value from the table itself by SELECT MAX(SEQ_NUM) FROM...

  • RE: Calling procedure over and over.... can''''t work it.

    >paramid, I'm not sure what you mean, how will that effect my query ?<

    In case a parameter is not specified (indicated by being NULL or alternatively some default) that part of...

  • RE: Re : combinations function

    Ok, let's fix things. May be my expectations are too high ... I'm not trying to code, but to unleash some ideas or principles behind problems when answering - where I...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 116 total)