Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 39 total)

  • RE: Bizarre occurence with Date using BETWEEN function

    When it comes to hard-coding datetime values, there is one format that will always work - regardless of any of the settings on the datebase: 'YYYYMMDD'. This is the recommended...

  • RE: Row Count and Number of Records differ in Query Analyzer

    Interesting situation...

    I think I remember having experienced that EM table properties shows the wrong rowcount. The information shown there is based on the statistics available, and not on the actual...

  • RE: Adding space to middle of string

    I agree that Gordon's Google-based solution have problems when the collation is case insensitive, but why not force the collation to be case-sensitive just for the statement?

    Replace displayName with (displayName...

  • RE: insert command issue

    In addition to those mentioned above:

    "Select into" is one of the bulk-loading methods available in SQLServer, and will therefore follow a slightly different & simpler logging model than "insert into". This...

  • RE: Returning IDENTITY from Linked Server


    There definitely seems to be a problem obtaining the identity value through a linked server. Hopefully there are somebody out there who knows a good solution, but if you...

  • RE: Trigger in Trigger


    There's a setting that regulates whether a trigger will be called recursively or not: RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS

    If you allow recursive triggers, it will not necessarily end up in a dead-lock; more likely...

  • RE: diff between a function and a stored proc with a recompile option


    A couple of other differences:

    Functions can't alter the state of the database, only retrieve data or perform calculations.

    Procedures can, i.e. update, inserts and deletes are allowed.

    Functions can be used...

  • RE: sql server job vs query analyzer

    As a follow up to the security suggestion: There is a user option called xact_abort that may have a different setting for different credentials. This is used to indicate the...

  • RE: Cross-server issues with sub-selects

    Thanks for the input. I believe we also use SP3, but I'll check if we have the latest update available. Could very well be that there is some versioning or...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 05 Oct 2004

    I feel that the answer 4 is insufficient, when it doesn't consider the ANSI_WARNINGS-setting. The error may be caused by ANSI_NULLS, but it could equally have been caused by ANSI_WARNINGS?  More correct...

  • RE: sql experts help!

    I would guess that the problem is databinding in the .NET-application rather then the procedure. But the procedure is not easy to handle, as there are no defined output-parameters - the...

  • RE: table name as variable in sql


    We use dynamic SQL a lot, and find it a very useful tool for many purposes. The article mentioned above is however very useful reading - it is absolutely good...

  • RE: Query Analyzer Message Window

    You could try one of these methods after each filter in the batch, and see if that's what you're looking for:

    select @@rowcount as 'Filter-name'


  • RE: Error converting data type numeric to numeric

    Could the full-error message be something like this?

    Server: Msg 8115, Level 16, State 8, Line 8

    Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric.

    If so, it is probably...

  • RE: Linked SQL Server, SQL 7.0 and SQL 2K, Stored Procedure, Dynamic SQL, and ANSI NULLS/ANSI_WARNINGS.


    Have had quite a bit of struggle with these settings myself. I thought I'd just mention a few things that you may or may not be aware of:

    - Both ANSI-settings...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 39 total)