Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 5,071 through 5,085 (of 5,102 total)

  • RE: Alert Processing

    Here is a thought

    Once the Alert is Setup You have the Option to Include the ALERT ERROR TEXT in Email to the specified Operator and if you create an Operator...

  • RE: DTS Job error

    When you get timeout errors specially after moving from one domain to another the usual problem is CONECTIVITY.

    Check that the Account running the package can connect to the previous...

  • RE: Linked SQL Tables in Access


    Somehow I remembered you need linked tables to run PassThrough queries.

    No You DON'T. You Just...

  • RE: sysprocesses::nt_username Empty

    what do you need the user info for? You can always use suser_sname() to get the name.

  • RE: XP_sendmail started failing

    that problem usually happens when the MAPI Session was lost in the email server. e.g. In case the email server is rebooted.

  • RE: Use SQL SP as Access Report source

    can you use ACCESS ADP? I supports sp on the Report record source field Natively

  • RE: More SQL Transaction stored procedure help.

    Am I missing something ...

    Why not:

    UPDATE tblStudent SET fldLastName = @LASTNAME, fldFirstName = @FIRSTNAME, fldDepartmentCode = @DEPT,

    fldBalance = @Balance, fldAddress = @ADDRESS


    fldStudentID = @ID

    Do you really...

  • RE: Unable to increase size of varchar column

    Have you check the total size ( per row ) of your table?

    6000 is pretty big. Considering a maximum of 8060 per row you have theoretically 2060 left and I...

  • RE: sub qry


    how about this :

    select e.deptno, e.ename, e.job, M.MaxSal

    from emp e

    inner join

    (select deptno, max(sal) as MaxSal from emp group by deptno) M


  • RE: calling procs thru ASP, performance degrade

    I would also redesig the process to run both steps in only one procedure (if it is feasible) it will cut down the number of round trips to the server


  • RE: Creating users and passwords in code

    be aware that those procedures (

    sp_adduser or sp_addlogin) require high PRIVILEGE accounts.

  • RE: Question of the day 2 cent

    in the README file of SP3a this function IS DOCUMENTED (Item - 5.1.10).

    🙂 You did read it, right?

  • RE: QOD 10/24


    ... However, eliminating TCP/IP is not the best solution if it screws up your apps that rely on it. SQL...

  • RE: Creating Job Failure

    The best way I have found is to use RAISERROR


  • RE: QOD 10/24


    Here's the question from today:

    What is the best way to prevent hackers from exploiting the SQL Server 2000 UDP port running...

Viewing 15 posts - 5,071 through 5,085 (of 5,102 total)