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Viewing 12 posts - 106 through 117 (of 117 total)

  • RE: SP Help

    alter procedure [dbo].[WEB_HR_SLXSCREENTEMPLATES](

    @version500_prod varchar(50),

    @version5_sales varchar(50),

    @template_group_1 varchar(50),

    @template_group_2 varchar(50)




    DECLARE @sql varchar(max);

    set @sql = 'insert ' + @version5_sales + ' select * from ' + @version500_prod + ' where...

  • RE: SP Help

    I have to update the slxhrscreentemplates table in version5_sales

    where the template_group =(Admin, Corp Benefits, Data Proc, and Smartlinx)

    with the information from version500_prod

    where template_group = (Admin, Manager, Payroll, HR)

    Just Keep...

  • RE: Stored Procedure Help

    -- Create date: February 25, 2011

    -- Description:update Version5_sales template Groups

    -- exec [WEB_HR_ScreenTemplatesUpdate] 1,2, 3

    -- ================================================================

    alter procedure [dbo].[WEB_HR_ScreenTemplatesUpdate] (

    @version500 varchar(50),

    @version5_sales varchar(50),

    @template_group varchar(50)




    -- select * from version500..slxhrscreentemplates where template_group in ('ADMIN','Manager','Payroll','HR')

    -- select...

  • RE: Stored Procedure Help

    Please Give me a good execute statement to make it work then

  • RE: Stored Procedure Help

    alter procedure [dbo].[WEB_HR_ScreenTemplatesUpdate] (

    @version500 varchar(50),

    @version5_sales varchar(50),

    @template_group varchar(50)




    -- select * from version500..slxhrscreentemplates where template_group in ('ADMIN','Manager','Payroll','HR')

    -- select count(template_id) from version500..slxhrscreentemplates

    -- select * from version5_sales..slxhrscreentemplates where template_group in ('ADMIN','Corp Benefits','Data Proc','Smatlinx')

    -- select...

  • RE: Stored Procedure Help

    Could you show me an example of a stored proc for this?

  • RE: Stored Procedure Help

    yes, I have to insert

    select * from version500..slxhrscreentemplates where template_group in ('ADMIN','Manager','Payroll','HR')

    into version5_sales


    version5_sales =

    select * from version5_sales..slxhrscreentemplates where template_group in ('ADMIN','Corp Benefits','Data Proc','Smatlinx')

    but I have to use dynamic sql

  • RE: Stored Procedure Help

    Basically I have to write a stored procedure using dynamic sql


    update the slxhrscreentemplates table in version5_sales

    with the information from the

    slxhrscreentemplates in version500

    I have 4 parameters:

    1. source Database = version500


  • RE: Stored Procedure Help

    I need to modify the slzhrscreentemplates table in version5_sales with the information from version500 slxhrscreentemplates table.

    I need to pass the 4 parameters

    the source and target dbases

  • RE: Stored Procedure in dynamic SQL

    What are the parameters though?

  • RE: Stored Procedure in dynamic SQL

    I could, but I prefer a stored procedure for it if there is one just to pass through the parameters.

  • RE: Stored Procedure in dynamic SQL

    I am trying to replace this data, meaning the data from version500 will be gone and replaced by the data from version5_ABCM.

Viewing 12 posts - 106 through 117 (of 117 total)