Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 316 through 330 (of 345 total)

  • RE: What are certification benefits???

    >> So if you know of a diplomatic, strategic, fast problem solver we will certainly hire them given opennings! If they are certified that is a bonus for external work.


  • RE: What are certification benefits???

    Microsoft used to say that an identity is always a bad choice for a clustered index.

    So I asked interviewees when it was a good or bad idea to do this...

  • RE: How to use results of an sp in another sp?

    It was in answer to a question in another forum but I'll see if I can find it or reproduce it.

  • RE: BCP and decimal columns

    decimal shouldn't cause a problem. Are you sure the file is the correct format?

    Have you try batch size 1 and fail on first error to see what happens. Get rid...

  • RE: Linking Dev and Production

    A good thing about restoring the backup automatically is that you can run dbcc checks on it to find out if anything is dubious without impacting the live server.

  • RE: How to use results of an sp in another sp?

    Probably not advisable but you could use openrowset to exec the SP and select from the result.

    I got this working to do a select * into ... to create a...

  • RE: Linking Dev and Production

    Depends how much you trust the developers. It is easy to crash a server or deadlock running transactions even with a read only connection (and you would have to be...

  • RE: Full Text Catalogs are being lost after rebooting

    Do you know the conditions under which it happens?

    I left a client with a full text cat solution and would like to warn him about this.

  • RE: Recordset from stored prc using OpenQuery

    This is trying to process a OLEDB datasource stream - my guess is that it is the same problem that you get from ado i.e. getting a closed recordset for...

  • RE: What are certification benefits???

    Can't remember what the rules are but solution providers I think need some certified staff so maybe that's a market.

  • RE: Full Text Catalogs are being lost after rebooting

    I vaguely remember something about passwords or users and full text cats but I think that was just the population failing. If you have changed any users/passwords that may be...

  • RE: What are certification benefits???

    There was a time when I almost considered certification a guarantee that the candidate didn't have experience. A lot of application programmers seemed to be taking the exams and pretending...

  • RE: Cannot run sp_AddLogin in Transaction

    You can put the request into a table and have a scheduled task that updates the system tables.

    You won't get on-line error/success info - but maybe you should ask whether...

  • RE: Process info

    Most of the descriptions used by the server are held in master..spt_values.

    For more bol and Inside sql server (as Steve Jones said and everyone should have imho) or just search...

  • RE: Stored Procedure to Duplicate A Database

    You mean you want a copy of the live database without data?

    You could create an empty live database by scripting the objects (or transfer via dts or dmo) then take...

Viewing 15 posts - 316 through 330 (of 345 total)