Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 164 total)

  • RE: Summing on Groups

    In your table you should insert a group, the group will probably be switched on the cost centre field.

    Make sure you have a header or footer available on your group.


  • RE: Matrix Rpt - top 10 rows within group

    i have a scenario like i want to display Top 10 sum and Total for others,the situation is like below

    I think I would probably look at using...

  • RE: Modify Layout of Parameter Input Area

    You really can't change anything in the reports parameters area in the way you are looking for, I suppose the only way you will be able to do this is...

  • RE: Matrix Rpt - top 10 rows within group

    Not sure why you want to use the rownumber method in the Top N filtering, you shouldn't need to use this. Just set the filter to Top N and...

  • RE: Empty field causing line break

    It sounds as though you are printing all of the fields seperately on the report, I would probably create a single address field that takes care of the blanks, for...

  • RE: SSRS:Dynamically binding dataset to rdl

    I would have thought you would need to decrypt within the stored procedure before returning the dataset to the report, what is the problem with doing it this way?

  • RE: SSRS:Dynamically binding dataset to rdl


    I think you should probably look at creating a stored procedure that is called from the .RDL using the necessary parameters that will allow you to manipulate the dataset. ...

  • RE: Azalea UPCTools for printing barcodes

    Has anyone successfully used Azalea UPCTools to print barcodes on SSRS reports? If so, can you provide the steps used?

    I have no idea what the Azalea UPCTools are, so...

  • RE: How to show top n rows in a table


    The way to do this is to go to the properties of the table, then go to the filters, and add a filter in with an operator called TopN.

    Should be...

  • RE: Pagebreaks

    Hi There Mr or Mrs Desperate!

    First, I wouldn't try to put the whole thing into a single table, you'll struggle to make this work the way you want to. ...

  • RE: Summing a calculated column

    Not sure of your actual syntax, but summing a calculated value is very easy:


    Calculated value = IIF(Field1.Value="Yes", 1, 0)

    The Total of this would be =SUM(IIF(Field1.Value="Yes",1,0))

    It's really as simple as that,...

  • RE: Reference Cell Value Without Explicit Reference

    Hello Rob

    As far as I know there is no method available to create a "standard" conditional format based on a Cell value, because the concept of cell value just doesn't...

  • RE: using AVG

    ="Average Tube Weight: " &

    format(avg(fields!Wt_Tube1.value) + avg(fields!Wt_Tube2.value) + avg(fields!Wt_Tube3.value) + avg(fields!Wt_Tube4.value), "#.##")

    Have you tried using:

    ="Average Tube Weight: " &

    format(avg(fields!Wt_Tube1.value + fields!Wt_Tube2.value + fields!Wt_Tube3.value + fields!Wt_Tube4.value), "#.##")


  • RE: How to add comments/Notes into report

    Rich text formatting is not supported in SSRS 2005, you could try using an icon embedded as an image in the document and then use that to the left of...

  • RE: how to hide minus(-) sign on report

    If all you want to do is to suppress the negative then you can set the value to it's absolute value by the following expression:


    This will convert any negative number...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 164 total)