Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Missing Index DMVs suggest an existing index

    Yes, Brent Ozar's resources are really handy - I do use them myself, but how is BlitzIndex going to identify missing indexes? It's going to use SQL Server's DMVs so,...

  • RE: Missing Index DMVs suggest an existing index


    Thanks for the speedy reply.

    Actually, I forgot to mention my SQL version - worryingly, it is 2012 SP2.

    If it was fixed in 2012 RTM, has it perhaps been broken again...

  • RE: Practical Uses for Synonyms in SQL Server

    Then there's the way today's small, infrequently-accessed tables can sometimes become tomorrow's big and/or frequently-accessed ones...


  • RE: Practical Uses for Synonyms in SQL Server

    I would be concerned with the example that "hides" the fact that a table is actually on a different server. That could cause huge performance issues if the real location...

  • RE: Change Tracking Cross DB

    Did you ever get a resolution to this? I have a SSIS package I'm working on that uses change tracking and I need to combine several tables at the source...


    A heap is an un-ordered table (see

    Oh, and apologies for missing the "object_id" in my code - slip of the keyboard...


    Out of interest, any particular reason why you removed the MASTER database references? That's where the sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats function and sys.databases view reside so specifying their location merely saves SQL Server...


    This will give you a list of indexes in a database, together with their sizes/fragmentation/statistics last updated/etc:

    DECLARE @DatabaseID INT

    SELECT @DatabaseID = DB_ID()

    SELECT [sd].[name] [DatabaseName] ,


Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)