Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

  • RE: Client found response content type Error on RS

    thanks, this definitely fixed my problem. The thing that caused my problem was that SRS wasn't the only website on IIS on the box, so I had to modify...

  • RE: No DBAs allowed access to Production DB Servers...

    if the customers are not happy, and / or you are unable to do your job, then Sarbanes-Oxley has succeeded. 😀

  • RE: Licensing in SQL 2005

    wow, that's really interesting!  I thought if you entered CALS, it actually kept track of how many people were connecting - another Urban Legend bites the dust!  Thanks very much...

  • RE: Licensing in SQL 2005

    thanks for the response - we have an Enterprise agreement, so we always use the same cd/dvd regardless of the licensing model - I've read on another forum that the...

  • RE: Service Pack 3a error

    Had the same problem -just got off the phone with Microsoft.  Here's how you fix it:

    Go to your SQL Server CD, go to the x86\repostry folder...copy the following files to...

  • RE: No DBAs allowed access to Production DB Servers...

    We're just about thru the Sarbanes prep.  It has been a nightmare.  DBA's no longer have the 'sa' password - we're not supposed to have access to the production system...

  • RE: Slow Deletion

    Yes, making sure it's non-logged will help a lot.  Also, make sure there aren't any delete triggers on the table, which will cause it to go and do something else...

  • RE: Third Party Log Utilities - Recommendations?

    We use Log Explorer - mainly to audit what happens with our databases - who made the changes, who accessed what data, who's running all the reports, etc.  Not a...

  • RE: DBCC DBREINDEX and MDF file size

    It could change the data size, but unless it's been a really long time since you've re-indexed, or your data has changed significantly (gotten larger) you'd have to assume the...

  • RE: Slow in local client but fas in others

    Check in your Network Client utility to see what protocol you're using to connect on the slower machine.  If it's TCP/IP be sure the address of the server, not just...

  • RE: clustering

    your post is pretty generic. Are you saying you have two databases - running on the same SQL Server - that you want to have running at the same...

  • RE: Places to take classes in the Southeast?

    Extreme Logic in Atlanta is good - I know someone else has already posted a reference to them - so let mine be a second recommendation - their instructors seem...

  • RE: Log Shipping


    Thanks for your quick reply - actually, it's a bit different. I know you can restore a SQL 7 db into SQL2K server, and some conversion is done during...

  • RE: intermediate sql dba

    For a jr/intermediate position - they'll probably ask you questions about how to dump databases, benefits of stored procs, what's a transaction log, difference between clustered and non-clustered indexes -...

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)