Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 104 total)

  • RE: concatenation

    It's very interesting how this starts as a concatenation theme, but now it has become an implicit conversion issue. By the way, the only implicit conversion in wich I trust...

  • RE: Basic of T-SQL

    Good question, altough not clear at all:

    I don't know if [Table B] is single-column or multi-column, but if it's multi-column, null values are storeds in [Column Name]? I assumed that...

  • RE: Table Variable

    Now I have one more reason to love table variables 😉

  • RE: Express Edition

    In short, I got a job offer last week for a 50%+ pay increase. I accepted it, and submitted my resignation at my current employer. Four days later the...


    After many years working in IT, I have learned that nothing is as simple as it looks at first sight, and 1+1 not always gives 2 as result (altough should...

  • RE: Commenting in Dynamic query

    A couple months ago, I learn by the hard way that you can't use table variables in dynamic SQL, when I had to optimize a sp based on dynamic SQL...

  • RE: "Question of the Day" is about:

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that this QoD is about the right reason (instead the right answer), of "why I participate in the QoD?", and make us think about...

  • RE: Snapshots

    Another day, another wrong answer. But now I know a little bit more about restoring database options 😀


  • RE: Index Types

    It's hard to find a right answer when the knowledge is not enough, and in fact you must read the question author's mind to do it.

    Steve! Should you review and...

  • RE: Insert via stored proc. and incomplete data recorded

    In your VB code you can comment out the time out setting, to use the server default setting:

    ' objCommand.CommandTimeout = 0

    In your sp code, put BEGIN TRANSACTION before BEGIN TRY,...

  • RE: Temp Tables

    This is not true:

    A Table Variable can have primary keys and indexes defined.

    Unless the meaning of what you said is:

    A Table Variable can have an index defined as...

  • RE: Most Recent Record

    If you want the most recent records, simply change the ORDER BY










  • RE: Date Conversions

    Now I know why this question is worth 2 points:

    One point is for the question per se.

    The other point is due for the high grade of difficulty on read the...

  • RE: A Lifetime of Software

    This may sound a little bit pretentious (or too much), But I want to continue working in IT until my last day of life, and I have no intention of...

  • RE: SP

    The fact of having some feature available doesn't means that you have to do use of it. As happen with cursors, which is a feature that I have used pretty...

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 104 total)