Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1,996 through 2,000 (of 2,000 total)

  • RE: XP_SENDMAIL Weird behaviour - help!


    i'v been playing with this and i've managed to send emails on my own installation of SQL server 2000.

    I'm starting to think that there might be something in my...

  • RE: Calculate transaction log size after 500.000 changes in 1 transaction

    depends on the table design, but as a rule i've always found that

    (number of bytes per row)*10*(qty rows) gives a reasonable interpretation of what you might get.

    it also depends...

  • RE: XP_SENDMAIL Weird behaviour - help!

    yes, the exact syntax of the command is below

    xp_sendmail @recipients='SQLSERVER@QUANTIX-UK.COM',@message='Backup sucessfull for database CE 90',@subject='Database backup'

    i tried this in query analyser and retyped the whole line by hand to make...

  • RE: Boost SQl Server priority on Windows

    Boost priority should only be used when the server is being used for multiple purposes (such as a web server and SQL server)

    The boost priority will only affect the...

  • RE: what will be the sure shot solution

    OK, have you tried also forcing the connection language settings in your ADO connection string ? this will overide your default language settings.

    although i do agree, working in the...

Viewing 5 posts - 1,996 through 2,000 (of 2,000 total)