Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 94 total)

  • RE: Open Source Pay

    Robert DeFazio (1/22/2009)

    There is no doubt that salary is a powerful component in the equation that leads to accepting the terms of employment or passing on them. What I...

  • RE: Open Source Pay

    if you are in the job market looking for work then you are tied to the market consisting of the jobs that you can do

    if you are in the job...

  • RE: Open Source Pay

    Jeff Moden (1/22/2009)

    How are my fellow employees going to make better decisions if they know what I make?

    better decisions with regard to their salary and conditions...should i ask for more?...

  • RE: Open Source Pay

    dphillips (1/22/2009)

    Who can last longer (business or employee) is a figure of debate. My current employer is tied to a market; I am not.

    There is no doubt that...

  • RE: Open Source Pay

    dphillips (1/22/2009)

    I believe in the free market system because there is no government or people perfect enough to manage a legislated "equal pay" system. My employability is my own...

  • RE: Open Source Pay

    Robert DeFazio (1/22/2009)

    Of course it's disputable. The fact remains, however, that transparency does not ensure that one party comes to the table with the same honesty or mutuality of...

  • RE: Open Source Pay

    From the point of view of a company it makes sense to keep employees in the dark about other employees pay. It is much easier to pay people less than...

  • RE: Image is Everything

    I highly doubt it based on the fact that if someone can't figure out how to show up at an interview dressed like a professional, it is highly likely that...

  • RE: Image is Everything

    You may be correct that the "best" person was eliminated for those reasons, but I highly doubt it. And further, due to a lack of attention to detail on...

  • RE: Image is Everything

    I dont think we cant control things which affect our decision making, but generally only if we are aware of those things. Not many people would consider whether or not...

  • RE: Image is Everything

    mtucker (1/11/2009)

    I saw a cool experiment conducted by some psychologists on TV the other day. They set up mock job interviews, both the interviewer and the applicant were subjects and...

  • RE: Image is Everything

    The intriguing point of the cool hand/warm hands psychology experiment was that the effect was entirely unconscious. The interviewers explained their choices not to employ those with cool hands in...

  • RE: Image is Everything

    I saw a cool experiment conducted by some psychologists on TV the other day. They set up mock job interviews, both the interviewer and the applicant were subjects and were...

  • RE: Trust But Verify

    Here in Australia we have a paper based voting system. You just put numbers in the boxes in the order of your preference. The long lines I saw american voters...

  • RE: Who Wants to Be Rich?

    Id be interested to know if the violin virtuoso was rich. Probably not. There is a lot of evidence that says if you want to be an expert in any...

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 94 total)