Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Watching the Watchers

    I don't mind a business like Amazon keeping track of me and making recommendations to better server me. I don't want them to share my data with anyone and...

  • RE: Who is "the IT guy?"

    My mother called me IT Guy once...ONCE!

  • RE: A simple trigger that doesn''''t work

    What does not work? What is the error? Is it that you cannot start a distributed transaction? (I am assuming based on the name of the target...

  • RE: INSTEAD OF triggers

    I had similar issues with triggers firing recursively. I added the following line at the begining of the trigger. It prevents the recursive behavior.

    IF (SELECT trigger_nestlevel()) > 1


  • RE: how to limit a textbox on a form (maxlenght)

    Start with this

    Private Sub txtData_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

    If Len(Me.txtData.Text) < 20 Or KeyAscii = 8 Then

    'do nothing


    KeyAscii = 0

    End If

    End Sub

  • RE: An Audit Trail Generator

    I am considering canceling my subscription to SQL Central’s email newsletter as well as the SQL Server Standard Magazine. Why? I am tired of reading articles written by...

  • RE: How to expand @variables in SQL Statement

    Here is yet another way.  I got this technique from another post years ago on this website.  It utilizes a dynamic where statement.

    if @Active = -1

       Set @Include = 'B'


  • RE: Establishing stored proc usage

    You could set up a log table and have the proc insert a record everytime it is run. Then you could see when and if necessary who ran the...

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)