Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 856 through 870 (of 1,033 total)

  • RE: Using the default port for the instances on a cluster node

    Running them all on 1433 is fine.

    The reason it doesn't default to that is that when you install the instances on a cluster they're named instances and by default named...

  • RE: one character of data

    john.moreno (6/8/2009)

    Tao Klerks (6/8/2009)

    john.arnott (6/8/2009)

    Hmm... could this be why so many people post to the thread without (apparently) reading anything that has gone before? Could/should the site implement a "negative...

  • RE: one character of data

    Try this on.

    While BOL says that it's +2 to store it, but that refers to in memory storage as well.

    try this on.

    declare @char char(1)

    declare @varchar varchar(1)

    declare @nchar nchar(1)


  • RE: one character of data

    Josh Turner (6/5/2009)

    I think you could make an argument for any of the answers. There wasn't enough information given in the question to choose a truly clear-cut best answer. char(1)...

  • RE: Where to find more in-dept info on SQL2K5 Clustering?

    FreeHansje (6/4/2009)


    I have to get involved into SQL2K5 Failover Clustering. I've read-up on the subject and miss some specific info on how things actually work. I don't need an installation...

  • RE: one character of data

    I love varchar/nvarchar, but for a 1 character field of undertermined character set the only possible answers should be either char(1) or nchar(1). Varchar has no place in a...

  • RE: T SQL

    sjsubscribe (5/27/2009)

    Joins in ANSI syntax can be made explicit without mangling the where logic. Parsers and optimizations have less ambiguity to deal with under certain conditions. The old syntax of...

  • RE: T SQL

    Steve Jones - Editor (5/27/2009)

    The corrected question, which is on the web site, is

    CREATE TABLE E (eid int, mid int, en char(10) )

    INSERT E SELECT 1,2,'Vyas'

    INSERT E SELECT 2,3,'Mohan'

    INSERT E...

  • RE: T SQL

    Laurie Dunn (5/27/2009)

    Yup, I also ran it in SQL and got:

    row1 - Vyas Mohan

    row2 - Mohan Shobha

    row3 - Shridhar Mohan

    row4 - Sourabh Mohan

    So I just tried...

  • RE: T SQL

    rkavula (5/27/2009)

    Hi , the answer for this quesiton is below

    SELECT t1.en [Em], t2.en [Ma] FROM E t1, E t2 WHERE t1.mid = t2.eid

    Em ...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 18 May 2006

    This is an old one... but...

    I've got a single maintenance plan setup on each of my servers.

    Each plan has several Sub-plans and each sub-plan does one task, each with their...

  • RE: Deleting Millions of Rows from Multiple Tables

    george sibbald (5/5/2009)

    there is an instance of _total for the counter, but not at all sure what that is actually counting. :unsure:

    I would feed the results of dbcc sqlperf(logspace) into...

  • RE: Deleting Millions of Rows from Multiple Tables

    Is there a way to setup a general alert when any database on the system reaches a certain log % full?

    I'd love to do this... but I've got 2000 databases...

  • RE: Function Hell

    That helps a ton...

    That coalesce function... what doesn't it do? 🙂

    although I wound up with this... which seems to run faster.

    CREATE TABLE #process_dbs(

    dbname sysname,

    alreadyprocessed int)

    sp_msforeachdb 'USE [?];declare @reccnt int;select...

  • RE: T-Sql rant

    Nevermind... this was answered by those who do things better than I 🙂

Viewing 15 posts - 856 through 870 (of 1,033 total)