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Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: Cursor open failed because the size of the keyset


    still I am getting the same error...not at the same query but at some other query.

    This time the old technic of specifying the cursor type is also not working.

    can somebody...

  • RE: How to modify a column data type

    Thanx Jones,

    But, I am developing an application for 6.5. So, I may not be able to upgrade.

    And writing the script part I can do but had to handle dynamically...

  • RE: How to modify a column data type

    Thanks Brian,

    But, No luck

    ALTER TABLE <Table Name>

    ALTER COLUMN <Column Name> <Data Type> <Nullability>

    is not working in SQL Server 6.5. Seems its only works in 7.0 version.


  • RE: Cursor open failed because the size of the keyset

    I tried specifying the columns also. But, that did not help.

    Anyway I could solve the problem by specifying the cursor location before opening the recordset in combination with ForwardOnly.


  • RE: ISQL script for Creating user, database and tables

    I could solve the problem by specifying the cursor location before opening the recordset in combination with ForwardOnly.

    But, still I could not get why the hell that error comes?????????...

  • RE: ISQL script for Creating user, database and tables

    Thanx Steve,

    I could solve the problem using SETUSER command within a single script for creating user as well as database and tables for that user.

    The script is like this

    ---- SCRIPT...

  • RE: ADO and recordCount


    When I am using Open recordset statement with VB and ADO like following:

    rsRecords.Open "select * from " & table_name, con, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText

    I am getting an error message :

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL...

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)