Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 361 through 375 (of 433 total)

  • RE: divide by zero, but no fields are zero

    how about nulls instead of 0 for value_b?

  • RE: Help - How to build this query

    what type of indexes do you have on your tables?  Is resnum/booknum indexed on all fo the tables?

  • RE: Splitting records > 30 mins.

    Drives you nuts when you have to pull teeth to help someone out doesn't it?

  • RE: finding distinct data between two tables

    select table1.* from table1 left join table2 on = where is null

    pk is whatever field is common between the 2 tables

  • RE: noob - What''''s the easiet way to print a list of database tables and their fields.

    I'm sure James' way is much better but here is what you needed to fix your sql.



    FOR SELECT NAME FROM SYSOBJECTS where TYPE = 'U' order by...

  • RE: Splitting records > 30 mins.

    For clarification when we moved from minutes to a decimal

    .3 = 18 minutes

    .5 = 30 minutes

    You may need to change the values if you are really looking for 30 minutes...

  • RE: Splitting records > 30 mins.

    Sorry Ninja I didn't know the question was directed to me.  The poster only asked for 2 records, one for .3 and below and one for the remaining time regardless...

  • RE: Converting 1 Address line to two without messing up address line

    I'm sure there is a cleaner way to do this but it works

    left side

    select left('4065B EAST BREWINGTON ROAD',25- charindex(' ',reverse(left('4065B EAST BREWINGTON ROAD',25))))

    right side

    select right('4065B EAST BREWINGTON ROAD',len('4065B EAST BREWINGTON...

  • RE: Splitting records > 30 mins.

    insert into [tableA] --assuming TableA is already created



    (select EventIDCrt,EventIDAdd,Machn_DESC,TYPE,

    case when DURATION <= .3 then duration else .3 end as duration from sfdc


    select EventIDCrt,EventIDAdd,Machn_DESC,TYPE,DURATION - .3 as duration from sfdc...

  • RE: FTP file to a server

    you can also ftp the file back from the remote server and compare it to the file you sent.

  • RE: Splitting records > 30 mins.

    Is this what you are looking for?

    select EventIDCrt,EventIDAdd,Machn_DESC, TYPE,

    case when DURATION <= .3 then duration else .3 end as duration from sfdc


    select EventIDCrt,EventIDAdd,Machn_DESC, TYPE,DURATION - .3 as duration from sfdc where...

  • RE: Getting duplicates

    without having table layouts and sample data there isn't much we can do.  There does not seem to be a group by in the level 4 part of the procedure...

  • RE: Getting duplicates

    Can you provide the create script for the tables and some sample data?  There is a lot going on there and we will need that to test. Make sure to...

  • RE: Newbie needs some T-SQL help, please

    The dates will roll back properly because you are using date functions.


    you may also want to think about making the current date a parameter instead of getdate() so you...

  • RE: Help - How to build this query

    Is Resnum from Table1 and what you want is a sum of all the charges asscoiated with that reservation number?


    select b.resnum,

    (sum (hn.price) + sum(ev.price) + sum(ai.price)) as totalprice

    from booking...

Viewing 15 posts - 361 through 375 (of 433 total)