Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 346 through 360 (of 433 total)

  • RE: Connecting a Thread to a User

    A web front end can use trusted connections as well by setting the permissions in IIS and on the web directory structure to require a logon.  That logon is passed...

  • RE: Connecting a Thread to a User

    Can you change the front end to use the Windows login through a trusted connection rather than sa?  All you should have too do is relink the tables in access using...

  • RE: New Column For Each Day

    what you want is a crosstab or pivot table.  THere are a million references as to how to create one on this site.  Just do a search for pivot table...

  • RE: Saving .PDF files to Database?

    We use an image datatype for ours.  What do you need a sample of?

  • RE: retrieve data from a static text file at an http address

    If it is not a large file you can use vbscript to parse the responsetext variable and insert statements to put the data into the table.  It would not be very efficient. ...

  • RE: DTS internals

    Most of the time it is because the ODBC driver or connection is not on the PC you are running it from aka your pc.  It is on the server...

  • RE: Set step precedence with activex

    Thanks, I found that in my searching but it only goes over enable and disableing and executing.  I needed to set precedence based on which files imports are goin to...

  • RE: Spaces where there shouldn''''t be

    my bust, I read too quickly and thought the select was returning the password padded with spaces, not that you weren't getting the expected result when you padded the where...

  • RE: selecting umatched rows only

    Can you post the 2 queries you are using?

  • RE: Spaces where there shouldn''''t be

    It looks to be the other way around.  The field is CHAR and so the spaces come back in the select statement because the field is a fixed length.

  • RE: txt file help

    I usually add a select statement for my header in front of the data select and union it .


    select header data


    select query data from table 1

    Make sure the select for...

  • RE: How do I change the "sign" of a number in a case statement ?

    In this case using ABS would create errors in your graph if there were positive numbers because -100 and +100 would become equal.  Using *-1 just reverses sign and the...

  • RE: How do I change the "sign" of a number in a case statement ?

    multiply the value times -1 to convert it to a positive value


    CAST(sum(case when datepart(yyyy,dateadd(mm,-1,getdate())) = TrnYear and datepart(mm,dateadd(mm,-1,getdate())) = TrnMonth then TrnQty*-1 else 0 end) as int) as "CurMonth-1",

  • RE: divide by zero, but no fields are zero

    if you just select t.value_a/t.value_b from the table do you still get the error?

  • RE: Split string in sql server 2000


    substitute your field for @string.  This will remove the first instance assuming the html conforms to <IMG..yada..> with no '>' in the image tag.


    select substring(@string,1,charindex('<IMG',@string)-1) +


Viewing 15 posts - 346 through 360 (of 433 total)