Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

  • RE: Function to get number of days in month

    How about this?

    RETURN DAY(DATEADD(d,-1,DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(m,0,@day)+1,0)))

  • RE: Join vs. Function

    Thanks for the help understanding table-valued-functions and APPLY. It is all clear to me now.

    Yesterday, after you told me about the tvf, I created one with a parm as it...

  • RE: Join vs. Function

    Got it. I was forgetting the fact that I am able to pass a parm to the function, whereas that is not available when joining to a table.

    In my first...

  • RE: Join vs. Function

    I do have a question about how the APPLY works. I have looked at some other sites but still don't quite understand how it joins the rows from the function...

  • RE: Join vs. Function

    Thanks Lowell. I had never used a table valued function or APPLY. This makes sense and is a perfect fit for another project of mine.


  • RE: Script SP using an SP

    That is way too simple. It formats it much better than simply looking in the system table, but it still doesn't format it the same way as when I...

  • RE: Comparing columns containing null values

    Thanks for your reply. I thought I deleted this post as I realized I should have posted it in SS2005.

    I was told to use COALESCE and it worked for me.


  • RE: Compare columns if null

    Now I understand. Thanks for the help... and the lesson. mpv

  • RE: Compare columns if null

    That worked. Thanks. I have seen COALESCE before, but don't fully understand it. Is it like an OR condition where it uses the first value in the...

  • RE: Comparing columns containing null values

    I am trying to compare two columns to find the ones that are different.

    If I use the following, I only get item4. I would expect to get item2, item3...

  • RE: Select from 3 tables on 2 columns

    The View works. My only concern is that two of my tables are in one DB and the third is in a different DB. Are there problems creating...

  • RE: Select from 3 tables on 2 columns


    I don't see what you did, other than adding code to create the tables with data. I assume you are implying that I need to do this whenever I post...

  • RE: Select from 3 tables on 2 columns

    I can't use a join. The utility I am calling expects one table name to be passed in the from parameter, and all the logic needs to be included in...

  • RE: Execute SQL job through batch file

    There are a number of batch file compilers you could use to turn the batch file into an .exe file. This is an effective way of keeping users out...

  • RE: Execute SQL job through batch file

    I'm sorry, but he doesn't deliver on his promise to "... execute the job easily with a single click." As you will notice at the end of the article...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)