Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: How to see what is wrong

    Dear Sisi,


    I checked the Statistics  it is ok as i scheduled a job for reindexing.

    Also executes DBCC checkdb  so if there is so problem with database.

    It is fine. no Errors.


  • RE: Connect String to another server


    I had not recommended to use the ip address , i had given u an example

    u have to use the name of linked may be ipaddress or anyother name




  • RE: SQL Server Memory Problem

    Hi Nitin ,

    If u had looked into the question then u might not give me an answer as u had given me.

    You need to modify boot.ini by /PAE switch

  • RE: Unattended install - dynamic ports


    Sql listens to number of port a part from default.

    It is not possible to configure sq server to listen on dynamic port numbers.




  • RE: Problem with procedure


    I use this query

    insert into dbo.inventsum select *

    from [].aicnav.dbo.INVENTSUM h

    WHERE h.recid NOT IN

       (SELECT d.recid

       FROM dbo.INVENTsum d


    there is not error when i execute the procedure but...

  • RE: SQLServerAgent is not currently running so it cannot be notified of this action.


    Sorry for late reply

    TO start Sql agent in yukon u can do it in the same way in sql 2000 u do.

    If u are not getting the option to stat...

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)