Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)

  • RE: Stored Procedure Backups

    First of all, there is an sp_helptext command. What you could do is to dump the contents of this to a text file for each of the stored procedures.

    You could...

  • RE: select

    My first bit of advise is to put as much of the query in SQL server as possible to limit the amount of code that you have to write in...

  • RE: Removing empty lines from osql output

    I had a discussion with some folks who were needing this as well. I believe to solve their problem, they ran the output through another program to look for the...

  • RE: Select out rows into one result - Similar Problem

    I agree that formatting is the job of the presentation layer, but aggregating data may not be. While the original question did not say, the data may be used in...

  • RE: Severe but intermittent performance problem

    Indexes and statistics are definitely worth checking. However, I would also consider rewriting the code for the text file processing into a stored procedure as well. Even if you keep...

  • RE: Select out rows into one result - Similar Problem

    I think that one option is to make use of temp tables, and if you reuse the result, persist the data in a global temp table rather than a local...

  • RE: Select out rows into one result - Similar Problem

    I think that one option is to make use of temp tables, and if you reuse the result, persist the data in a global temp table rather than a local...

  • RE: Sql Server2000 is Slow Help !

    Look for Lock problems.

    Check statistics, update as necessary.


    Use SPs over ad hoc T-SQL.

    Limit joins - opt for temp tables where large, relatively static intermediate results are reused.

    Break the problem down...

  • RE: Giving data from the last 6 months

    try doing datediff for number of days instead.

    Beer is the answer to all the world's woes.

  • RE: Can I read the transaction log ?

    I like Lumigent's log reader. but allow me to warn you, I believe it may interfere with standby server functionality because of its interaction with the logfile

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)