Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: Performance testing and tuning for a beginner

    First off, I think the article was well intended. However, being a seasoned vet with SQL and SQL performance, I think that your article was more of an intermediate...

  • RE: Object Explore

    Latin1_General_Binary isn't commonly used. However, Cisco ICM uses it's what we use with our databases. Essentially, it forces Capitalization. So...

    DECLARE @Variable

    would not equal

    DECLARE @variable.

    It's really...

  • RE: Object Explore

    Below is the Latin1_Gen_Binary comatible SQL.

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_ObjectExplore]

    @FullObjectName varchar(200)

    ,@distribution varchar(3) = 'No'

    ,@Columns varchar(max) = NULL


    -- ______________________________________________________ Object Explore _________________________________________________________


    -- August 19th 2010, by Robin van Schaik

    -- Version...

  • RE: Object Explore

    Disappointed that the example is not Binary compatible. Ended up having to clean up the example just to run it and then find that all of the Dynamic SQL...

  • RE: There Must Be 15 Ways To Lose Your Cursors... part 1, Introduction

    I would have one suggestion in your article, you shoudl close and deallocate the cursor. People who use these types of articles to learn new things can learn really...

  • RE: SQL Server System Report

    Actually, I appologize. It was only 3 places with SYSNAME vs sysname.

    Really Cool...

  • RE: SQL Server System Report

    Love the article. However it's going to talk a lot of work to make it Binary compatible. Unfortunately due to the nature of the beast we run all...

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)