Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 212 total)

  • Reply To: Do you listen to music when you work?

    Hi! Not posted for years because of multiple health issues. Had a bypass before Covid and a LBKA during lockdown! I listen to music when myself at home office or...

  • Reply To: Canine Corgi Completion Contest

    Mongo, Couch and Cassandra are all locked in the lavatory. They are NoLonger flushed with success|!

  • RE: A Supercomputer in My Pocket

    david.gugg - Friday, February 15, 2019 7:20 AM

    With great power comes great responsibility.  While having a computer in our pockets is ultra-convenient,...

  • RE: The Lost Time

    The nonsense of confusion around daylight saving was really brought home to me yesterday. I got an invite to a webinar with a start time given in both BST and...

  • RE: The Lost Time

    I would not be bothered if the UK stuck on GMT or BST although if we went to permanent BST I would prefer to go in to and finish work...

  • RE: The Lost Time

    I was brought up on a farm and the argument was always about daylight hours for working. Being an annoying child I could not see if you were limited to...

  • RE: The Lost Time

    I am not a great fan of daylight saving and here in the UK would prefer to stay on BST the whole year round. When I commuted it made no...

  • RE: Anonymisation Confusion

    Dalkeith - Monday, May 14, 2018 8:30 AM

    Eric M Russell - Wednesday, May 9, 2018 10:05...

  • RE: Anonymisation Confusion

    I work in the health/well-being sector. The first rumblings I got about anonymising data was about three years ago What I shall call a healthcare provider stored results of tests...

  • RE: Considering Other Views

    phegedusich - Thursday, April 12, 2018 4:13 AM

    “ordLnPrc� Is that what that little black smudge on the screen says? 🙂

    Ordinary login procedure...

  • RE: The Best Ever

    We are currently on 2011. My vote:-

    I) 2005
    ii) 2008R2

  • RE: One Size Does Not Fit All

    Some years ago I was asked to write a module to automatically correct data anomalies. When I quoted a month I was told that "It is only a bit of...

  • RE: The Nightmare Letter

    We do business (UK based) with the EU, theUS, the Middle East and Australasia. The issue of concern is what we...

  • RE: Build a Career Radar

    chrisn-585491 - Friday, February 23, 2018 6:47 AM

    My career radar is leading me towards more secure and reliable programming.

    Two languages that...

  • RE: Brush Up on Your ETL Skills

    "Right of Erasure" is interesting (maybe not)! One of my best friends died suddenly and very, very unexpectedly a few years ago. However, he lived on on the Internet for...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 212 total)