Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 21 total)

  • RE: Business Date Calculation

    What you can maybe do is before you do your select statement is get a count of your results table put it into a variable @var1.

    Have a second variable...

  • RE: DTS Query Designer Error

    What kind of task are you using?

    SQL Task.

    If the SQL works in the query analyzer,

    maybe you can put the code in a stored procedure and call that procedure from the...

  • RE: Update or?

    you can use an update of all the fields except for the Key value.

    Can say

    update table set ....

    where key_table1 = key_table2

  • RE: Validation on Counts

    Im not sure if I get it.

    You have two packages that populate two tables. One in test and one in production?

    If thats it then you can use an SQL...

  • RE: Look Ups

    Here is a quick example of how I use it...

    I have a table called Lookup_Employee with columns Employee Id and Employee Name.

    I read a source DB and before I add...

  • RE: Where Is DTS Package Names Stored?

    Let me rephrase, is there a way I can read the last date a package was ran?

  • RE: Temporary table in DTS

    You can use SQL Tasks to create the table, use it and then using another Sql Task to delete the table

  • RE: Select Range Of Date

    thanks ripg1011

    that did the trick.

    I had my < & > inversed

  • RE: Metada Services

    Thanks for the response.

  • RE: DTS Limits?

    I dont know of any limitations. Its a pretty powerfull tool. The learning curve is a bit more than for example Informatica but its a grewat tool.

  • RE: insert dimension id's

    Is your ID column an IDENTITY column?

  • RE: insert dimension id's

    Check if your target table allows NULL's. If not let it allow NULL's and check the data when it is inserted into the table.

  • RE: insert dimension id's

    The only thing I can think of is in your members table, the member name column has a NULL and in your new table member name column is set to...

  • RE: DTS Fails to Follow Workflow

    I had a vert similar issue. I solved by deleting the task and recreating it. That solved my problem.

    Also for my own information is your On Failure Active X...

  • RE: insert dimension id's

    I dont know if I'm taking this to litteraly but your insert statemtnt in not corect.

    You should have it as



    Also a suggestion if you can stay away...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 21 total)