Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 215 total)

  • RE: Date Difference


    Please clarify, you want to return digits "1 year" or "one year"?

    Beside of question above ,small example:

    SELECT name,

    CAST(DATEDIFF(yy, create_date, GETDATE()) AS NVARCHAR(4)) + ' years, ' +...

  • RE: Committing Work

    I knew that WORK keyword is optional, but it seemed too easy,

    thanks Steve.

  • RE: ssrs export to pdf issue


    Small tip, You can set the Interactive Height property of the report equal 0 to fit it on one page.

    Best regards,


  • RE: SSIS- FailPackageonFailure


    Imho You have to set the FailPackageOnFailure property to True on the objects (containers,task) in

    your package upon which the checkpoints will be defined.

    Best regards,


  • RE: Data warehouse fact or dimension


    SCD type 2 is works well if the table is not too large and the changes doesn't happen frequently. But when the lot of changes happen in the attributes of...

  • RE: SSIS - datetime2

    Hi Abhijit

    What is dateformat set on your server?

    I 've got YYYY-MM-DD for example, so I simply do some setps:

    1. Set up DT_STR, 26 as data type for column in...

  • RE: User Defined Data Type Alias

    A cool trivia question,

    thanks Steve.

  • RE: SSIS package

    Forgive me, please replace line

    WITH latest AS (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION BY product_code, ORDER BY date_price DESC) AS RowNumber,product_key ,price

    with code

    WITH latest AS (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION BY product_code, ORDER BY...

  • RE: SSIS package

    Hi Sjorsd

    Please try with cte:

    WITH latest AS (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION BY product_code, ORDER BY date_price DESC) AS RowNumber,product_key ,price


  • RE: SSIS package


    If I clearly understand, you want to insert only the latest price from dbo.product, don't you?

    Best regards,


  • RE: [Script] If there are more than 15 files in directory, proceed with DTS Package

    Hi Ricardo

    If you simply want to end the task with failure, you can do this in this way:

    Public Sub Main()

    'Dim Sum...

  • RE: How to Convert .dat (Btrieve data file) to SQL Server


    The trip down memory lane, I worked with Btrieve\Pervasive databases over a decade.:hehe:

    Here are a few ways achieve it, please check if ddf files (data definition files) exist first.

    If true,...

  • RE: Using sequence container but errors out if I have 8 foreach loop containers inside


    It looks as two or more data flow tasks try to read data from one source at the same time.

    Best regards,


  • RE: how to check SQL job


    If job has a few steps to do, the last_executed_step_date will be not null for already finished.



  • RE: Create Procedure

    I thought that the question is from the series of good practice, not about the syntax.

    Best regards,


Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 215 total)