Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 198 total)
August 7, 2007 at 7:41 pm
What happen in Activity Monitor (under Management) when you run the update? Is there a blocking? What sort of wait type can you see there for the spid that runs...
August 7, 2007 at 4:56 am
Did you or anyone there restore the db from an older (sql 7) backup? Actually there is not a compatibility level of 7; you can have 70, 80 or 90....
August 7, 2007 at 4:52 am
No, Colin, I'm doing it for fun. Thank you anyway.
August 7, 2007 at 4:10 am
You should not do this; sql 2005 x64 has got already AWE enabled; this is the reason for "lock pages in memory".
July 27, 2007 at 2:17 am
As a first step, update the statistics and then run again that query.
You should check the wait types and find where the bottleneck is. As a general rule for sql...
July 27, 2007 at 1:40 am
I think step 2 was to take a log backup and next to shrink it. It works for sure.
July 18, 2007 at 8:37 pm
If you take a full backup once per week, let's say on Sunday, and daily differentials, then your Saturday differential may grow as big as your next Sunday backup; your daily differential...
July 17, 2007 at 11:47 pm
Use ADO as your app model: define a connection and an updateable recordset objects.
July 17, 2007 at 11:32 pm
DO NOT TRY to delete any of your log files. You would need to shrink it/or shrink the entire database.
1. Make sure you have the ReportDBTemp recovery mode switched to...
July 17, 2007 at 11:27 pm
Probably you do not have the same disk structure in dev as it is in prod.
You have to replace your db logical and physical file names for ndfs...
July 17, 2007 at 11:17 pm
It may be helpful to forget about all the "connect" trouble and create a new win local user on your pc and add it to the win local admins group...
July 15, 2007 at 6:32 pm
The MS article Security Best Practices - Operational and Administrative here may be also useful.
About Katmai; in the course available on MS website, there is not any "security" chapter...
July 15, 2007 at 6:19 pm
There is xp_inventory that retrieves sql server info, including domain name; check
Otherwise you can retrieve the domain name from your win login name - create a function that retrieves...
July 12, 2007 at 10:48 pm
I would alter the sp to "execute as" a "testlogin". Then I would filter the trace for "testlogin" loginname and events: sp:starting; sp:completed. You can leave such a profiler trace...
July 12, 2007 at 7:54 pm
Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 198 total)