Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 16 through 29 (of 29 total)

  • RE: Repairing with DBCC CHECKDB

    I get: " Incorrect syntax near ','

    You have to specify a db name.


    Heheheh - I see several others have latched onto the incorrect correct answer conundrum too. Mgilchrist = bad...

  • RE: 9 Things to Do When You Inherit a Database

    Besides adding security review, I'd get another copy of the database running elsewhere and the app - space and resources permitting of course.

    If you're following good change control practice -...

  • RE: Technology Guilt

    I think change is inevitable, And for the greater good of mankind.

    To ignore change is to get mired in the past, not something I would like if I work in...

  • RE: Wrist Support

    I'm a lefty. I also left click with my midde finger on my left hand, and when I swap the ambidextrous mouse to my right hand (2-4 times daily) I...

  • RE: A Break from Data

    Real Steel gets my two thumbs up. My Fiance and son also enjoyed it and she normally avoids Sci-Fi movies like the plague.

  • RE: Transactions 2

    Nasty, but great question. Tricked me! 😎

  • RE: SomersD and Statistical analyses

    Hi Matt,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I'll get to work and build a rock-solid method of calculating Somersd and put the results here.

    I have access to Quants and Analysts that thrive on...

  • RE: SomersD and Statistical analyses

    I'm starting to think I should've labelled the thread: Anyone up for a challenge? 😀

  • RE: Mixed Mode Authentication

    Great, thanks for the answers so far.

    I'd like to move to Windows Auth as there's less admin involved with extra passwords, users getting locked out, password policies, etc.

    The IT Department...

  • RE: How do the cursors work?

    Couldn't have explained it better myself.

    From past experience cursors are okay if you're planning to get results in under a few hundred or thousands. Once you start looking at...

  • RE: Poof

    My two and a quarter cents:

    Build an Encrypted Stored Proc thats used for logging in or checking prices (something that is used every session) build into it a delete from...

  • RE: SQL Sudoko

    Great Job! Nicely explained too, although it looks like someone's got too much time on his hands

  • RE: SQL 2K out of memory

    Thanks sswords. This machine is live so any changes are quite difficult. I will try other ram and let you know.

  • RE: Need help on SQL Mail Setup

    Hi Garrick,

    First off I can answer point 1 from personal experience the rest I can only surmise (I'm not a Domino kind of DBA/Network specialist):

    1. If the domain user account is used...

Viewing 14 posts - 16 through 29 (of 29 total)