Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 270 total)

  • RE: Error Locating Data

    FYI - reinstalling sp2 for Analysis Services did the trick.

    Michael Weiss

  • RE: Loop through DTS steps and write log of steps

    I could be wrong, but my guess is that the index number of each step is assigned at the time it is created...not based on the order it is executed...

  • RE: MDAC 2.7 MSOLAP Patch

    Just to let everyone know who may be interested, the patch is available from MS Support...

    Thank you,


    Michael Weiss

  • RE: Dynamic Text source

    Take a look at the following function that you can execute via an ActiveX task...

    Function DynamicFileImport

    Dim objPackage

    Dim objConn

    Set objPackage = CreateObject("DTS.Package")

    objPackage.LoadFromSQLServer "yourservername","","","256",,,,"textfileimportpackagename"

    objPackage.GlobalVariables.Item("gvfiletoget").Value = InputBox("enter complete file path and name","Dynamic Text...

  • RE: Programmatically Changing Connections in DTS

    I don't know if there is a property to set to control the verification of transformations. I do know that the notification with the three options available is a real...

  • RE: Programmatically Changing Connections in DTS


    I have an ActiveX task containing vbscript that when placed in a DTS package, will set all Connection and DataTransformation (DataPump) information...


    Did you ever find the cause of the problem? If so, what did you have to do to resolve it?

    Thank you,


    Michael Weiss

  • RE: Aggregation table issue in Analysis Services

    I am not sure if SP2 has fixed this or not but it sure sounds like a bug to me. Are you running SP2 on both SQL Server and Analysis...

  • RE: Executing Sproc with input & output params

    Thank you! I will save the example code you provided, but I wimped out and did it through an ActiveX task using ADO and a command object which I passed...

  • RE: Executing Sproc with input & output params

    Sorry, I should have added that I want to map the output parameter value from the sproc to a global variable...I also realize I can do this from a Dynamic...

  • RE: Using ADO, Recordset fields appear to lose values

    Thank you, Jeff, for the info on how you solved your problem. That is good stuff to know - those things sure can be frustrating to figure out! Glad you...

  • RE: Parameter in DTS package

    You are most welcome...the input box method of prompting for a parameter works great for me and I use it extensively...good luck with your project!


  • RE: Using ADO, Recordset fields appear to lose values


    I bet Andy is right...

    Try using

    Const adLockOptimistic = 3

    Const adUseClient = 3

    Const adOpenDynamic = 2

    rsNew.CursorLocation = adUseClient

    rsNew.Open NewDB..SomeInfo, oConnection, adOpenDynamic , adLockOptimistic

    Let us know what you find...



    Michael Weiss

  • RE: Parameter in DTS package

    Sorry, I should have been more specific (its been a long day!)...using an input box to prompt for the parameter value to be entered is how you set the value...

  • RE: Parameter in DTS package

    Use an ActiveX task, write a script in vbscript or whatever scripting language you use, and via an input box prompt for the parameter value to be far as...

Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 270 total)