Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: 9 Things to Do When You Inherit a Database

    As someone who's tried to restore a tape that would no longer sync to the drive, I say that a test restoration is not just "ideal" but a standard. ...

  • RE: Correlated Joins Using "Apply"

    Paul DB (3/4/2009)

    Matt Miller (6/16/2008)

    Having done some amount of testing on this - while this scenario is certainly convenient in some scenarios, it has a tendency to perform on par...

  • RE: Correlated Joins Using "Apply"

    David McKinney (2/27/2009)

    mdonnelly (2/27/2009)

    Peter E. Kierstead (6/16/2008)

    I'll index this table appropriately, and wallah!, home-grown full-text index...

    This would have been on the bubble of being excusable had the original article not...

  • RE: Correlated Joins Using "Apply"

    don_goodman (2/27/2009)

    If you are going to write a piece of code then you have an obligation to the user. Why? This is a service business. The user experience is the...

  • RE: Correlated Joins Using "Apply"

    Peter E. Kierstead (6/16/2008)

    I'll index this table appropriately, and wallah!, home-grown full-text index...

    This would have been on the bubble of being excusable had the original article not had a big,...

  • RE: Correlated Joins Using "Apply"

    for what it's worth, I can give you a little simplification. The partitioning query doesn't have to be stated twice:

    select acct.[Name], cont.fullname, cont.createdon

    FROM [AccountBase] acct


Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)