Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 167 total)

  • RE: How to get MIN,MAX and AVG time

    drew.allen - Monday, January 30, 2017 3:30 PM

    mcfarlandparkway - Monday, January 30, 2017 3:10 PM

  • RE: How to get MIN,MAX and AVG time

    drew.allen - Monday, January 30, 2017 3:02 PM

    MIN(), MAX(), and AVG() are properties of sets.  You don't have any sets here.

    Also, blabla...

  • RE: Issue with while loop

    Here is my function we are already inserting into temp table inside the function.. this is taking some time to retrieve the results.. to see the actual timings I kept...

  • RE: Issue with while loop

    I am not selecting all columns from emp table

    this is a function i am calling here to check the performance to see how it works for 10000 iterations.

    select col1,col2,col3 from...

  • RE: How to get hardcoded date form table

    John Mitchell-245523 - Monday, January 23, 2017 8:15 AM

    THEN c.Value
    ELSE MAX(Date) 
    from dbo.EmpDate...

  • RE: How to catch the record into exception/error table

    we have a job(ssis package) where it load data from different source and destination is temp table. from temp table I have to move to main table.

    selecting rec from temp...

  • RE: How to create error conditions inside function

    Then how I have to create error in the function?

    how this function will fail? I am trying to create this eror condition inside the function.And this func is calling from...

  • RE: How to create error conditions inside function

    Here we are returning 4 columns as I mentioned only one @NUM.

    There is another reason to use table valued function.

    Can you please modify the above one where to use THrow?

  • RE: Exclude the data starts with ING

    This didn't worked for me - Select * From table where SubString(ID,1,3) <> 'ING"

    It still showing all the records that starting with ING

  • RE: Exclude the data starts with ING

    What do you mean by agreed?

    I cannot keep these substring and stuff in where clause.

    I am trying to get all the data from table where ID does not start with...

  • RE: Exclude the data starts with ING

    There is no simple statement other than substring?

    like select data form table where ID not....?

  • RE: Exclude the data starts with ING

    The ID field data will show -






    Now I need data -






    How to remove the first 3 characters ING form this field?

    select all the records where ID does not...

  • RE: Issue with column parsing

    Set based approach? How to do this?

    How to parse(split) this 9000430944:7|Information

    -> 9000430944 - emp number

    -- 7 - stud number

    --Information - Description

    How to split on pipe? and How to split...

  • RE: Issue with column parsing

    In the stored procedure - I need to implement a loop based logic after update statement ..

    Now I have to add a logic in this stored procedure

    after update statement...

  • RE: query to find out duplicate records in different databases

    I want to exclude one column from select list how to do this?

    Column is empname(need to exclude from selct *)

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 167 total)