Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: Print .htm file

    Now I see what you mean about the printer.

    I will tackle the VBScript reference and maybe I can make this happen.

    Thanks Steve, for getting me started in the right direction.


  • RE: Print .htm file

    I use sp_runwebtask..., as a step in a job that is scheduled to run at Midnight, with an HTML template file.

    Yes I would like to print the report automatically.

    How do...

  • RE: Output to file


    This opens up new posibilities(sp?), for my solution.

    Thank you, I had not even considered this kind of an approach.

  • RE: Output to file

    I followed the link...

    What am I downloading?

    Am I taking any risk by installing this?

  • RE: Output to file

    I think I can use the BCP option. Thank you.

    If it turns out that I can't and need to read or write (for example) a line at a time...

  • RE: Output to file

    These could work.... But I have to manipulate the data/text to a specific format that is not represented in the data tables themselves.

    In other words I would like to...

  • RE: Output to text file

    Sorry, wrong forum.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)