Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: Technology for Fun

    It would have to be John Brunner's "The Shockwave Rider" for me.  Written in the early 70s, Brunner describes a networked world where the hero uses worms to accomplish things. ...

  • RE: How Many Times Will This Happen?

    I would like to see a major effort towards boycotting into bankruptcy; as long as we keep tolerating this type of abuse of our personal information, it will...

  • RE: The Bulb Man

    I've almost got a solution going where the initial clue you gave (D=5) is not needed.

    I start off with the e + o = o column.  e has to be 9...

  • RE: The Bulb Man

    I used a really big piece of paper for the 3 lines solution

    3 Lines through stars


     Gerald + Donald = Robert

    197485 + 526485 = 723970


  • RE: The Bulb Man

    I'd go into the rooms with the light bulbs and bust 'em up.  Now I can say that the switches don't turn anything on and I only had to go...

  • RE: MDF missing

    Positive; only one drive on these develoment servers.  They're set up to be easily rebuilt.

  • RE: Poll #3

    I like all the sci-fi movies mentioned, but really, if you are talking the best computer geek movie for me is Office Space.  Anyone who has made a living at...

  • RE: Quick Hints for using the RAISERROR Command

    Lots of extra commas were showing up in the first example for some reason.  It should read:


    DECLARE @sStringVar VARCHAR(440) ,

     @lInteger Int ,

     @fFloat  decimal(6,2) ,

     @byUnsignedInt tinyint

    SELECT @sStringVar = 'A string' ,

     @lInteger=44 ,

     @fFloat=3.14 ,


  • RE: Generic Data Comparison

    I tried the third method today just on a lark for a new SP I created to import data.  The query runs on tables about 35k records long with 8...

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)