Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: Job failed - [298] SQLServer Error: 15404

    I have been running SQL jobs using domain account. It ran yesterday.

    It fails today with this error. My infrastructure team said they didn't change anything

    and I wasn't working...

  • RE: Report Builder or Reporting Services?

    Being new to the SQL DB environment, but, having a little classwork with the Studio (Express) products, it wasn't too hard to become fairly proficient in Management Studio. But, then...

  • RE: Team Reputation

    While doing customer service work, one (not one of my usual ones)

    when calling in for assistance,

    said Don't send Jack because he lies

    and Don't send Joe because he farts.


  • RE: Team Reputation

    Our department/team recommended various software applications to our users

    so we were considered the "experts".

    On one team assignment, a team member and I installed our recommended

    software on a users...

  • RE: Calculating Duration Using DATETIME Start and End Dates (SQL Spackle)

    My specific use of the datetime field is to see if it occurs

    within a user specified date range.

    The examples I received with the stored procedures (from software application vendor)

    had the...

  • RE: A Versioning system for SSRS

    Can the added tables exist in a separate database and using views of ths Report Server tables

    provide the trigger capability to update the CVS tables?

    This would provide for maintaining a...

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)