Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 24 total)

  • RE: Problem with Bulk Insert.

    Thanks, got it sorted. My program which was uploading these was using the wrong table mapping...

  • RE: Writing xml to a variable.

    Actually got. Thanks anyway to all.


  • RE: sp_send_dbmail does not work properly

    I was having an issue where when I added the parameter @attach_query_result_as_file = 1 I couldn't the mails weren't being sent. I couldn't figure it out and was begining to...

  • RE: Query optimization avoiding deadlocks

    THanks for the post. I'll read up on that now.


  • RE: Locking issues

    Hi Folks,

    I have resolved this by taking all of the steps out of a transaction that would perform an antomic update covering all the individual steps. I know that this...

  • RE: Locking issues

    Hi Folks,

    Thanks for the responses. There are a number of indexes on this table 7 in total so thats why its prob taking so long. When I run this using...

  • RE: Rewriting this Query with joins

    Its OK guys I got it. sorry for being so stttooopppiiid...

    SELECT rwd.*

    FROM TransWorkDetail rwd

    JOIN SalesLineItemId rvl ON rvl.SalesLineItemId = rwd.SalesLineItemId

    JOIN TranHeader rh ON rh.TranHeaderID...

  • RE: Identify running SSIS jobs

    Sorry folks,

    I just found it. rgds,

    exec msdb.dbo.sp_help_job @job_name = 'Copy Backups'

  • RE: SQL Server 2005 Memory

    SQL server only uses the memory as it needs it. So even though you are setting the minimum value to 2.5 Gs it will only use the memory as it...

  • RE: Migrating DTS packages.

    There is a table in the msdb database called something like syspackages or something like that. Within this table there is a column called server, or source. if you query...

  • RE: How can i know which stored procedure is executed when and by which program?


    The only way I know of to find out this information is by running the profiler and monitoring the execution calls as they happen. Since you haven't done this and...

  • RE: Parallel Processing of Large Volume ETL Jobs

    Hi Raghavendra,

    Great Article.

    How do you actually spawn a new thread? I have to implement something like this and this has given me some valuable information. I would like to...

  • RE: Running multiple instances of the same procedure

    Yes. the initial approach was to use service broker but once we dug a little deeper we found that there were still a few more issues that needed to be...

  • RE: moving databases,logins

    Logins are stored in the master database,

    thus you can move your database but the logins wont be moved over. the DB usernames will be though. Using these you can...

  • RE: Debugging an SP

    Well just make sure that you are using the same versions of the software... SQL Server management studio for SQLServer 2005. and so on and so on for 2000.


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 24 total)