Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: Fun with Dates and Times

    This article describes displaying dates, not storing date values in a database.  When a date is displayed in a text format, yyyyMMdd, with or without separators, is the format that...

  • RE: Watch Your Mouth

    I can curse with the best of them, but I choose to refrain from such language in the presence of others. Steve is correct stating that we in the...

  • RE: Using SSIS to Maintain the File System

    dirty (2/29/2012)

    SSIS is not a "database process", it is a flexible tool to execute various tasks e.g. ETL on various types of datasources and destinations: ftp, file services, databases, ...


  • RE: Using SSIS to Maintain the File System

    My point is why use a database process to act on a file system. Let the database system do what it is intended to do and, likewise, let the...

  • RE: Using SSIS to Maintain the File System

    Good grief! Talk about using a sledgehammer to drive a tack.

  • RE: Company Rewards

    The absolute BEST reward I have ever received for hard work was an all-expense-paid trip for my family to Disney World. My boss even placed "gross it up" on...

  • RE: Fun with Scale and Precision

    Odd that replacing the CAST(10000,NUMERIC(38,10)) with 10000 gives the more precise result 0.0001675740.

    Also odd that Sybase 15.0.2 gives the result 0.0001675740 with the original query. You'd think running the...

  • RE: Almost Like a Service Pack

    I don't believe this is the first layoff at Microsoft. A friend was laid off from their graphics department in the 1990's.

  • RE: Best Way to Calculate Age

    The third solution returns "51" for DOB 08/21/1957.

    select DATEDIFF(yy, '08/21/1957', GETDATE()) - CASE WHEN DATEPART(mm, '08/21/1957') >= DATEPART(mm, GETDATE()) AND DATEPART(d, '08/21/1957') >= DATEPART(d, GETDATE()) THEN 0 ELSE 1...

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)