Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

  • RE: Update from SUM query

    GilaMonster - PERFECT!

    Thanks very much


  • RE: Average Sold Per Month Query

    You're right Remi,

    I see what you are doing and it is a tad more sensible.

    .... No offence intended Noeld - actually thought what you suggested was also quite clever -...

  • RE: Average Sold Per Month Query

    This was exactly what i wanted - cheers govinn

  • RE: Average Sold Per Month Query

    Actually, these queries aren't returning what i'm looking for.  Can i put it in English to explain my need ? :

    I want to return the average monthly qty sold by product...

  • RE: Average Sold Per Month Query

    I must be getting old - I didn't even think about the standard maths '/12' solution to this problem -

    Thanks guys for reminding me just how stupid i really...

  • RE: Case and Grouping


    Thanks for the further comments - i'm actually gonna stick with the original (Jesper) query as I understand that - the further posts make my brain go mushy as i'm from...

  • RE: Case and Grouping


    Thanks so much for that Jesper

  • RE: Case and Grouping

    oops... and to answer your other point Jesper,

    I would like CUSTOMER,"ON STOP" returned - maybe also, where conditions are NOT met - "OK" instead of "ON STOP" ???

    Thanks again

  • RE: Case and Grouping

    Hi Jesper,

    Thanks for the reply:

    Sorry - to clear up what i mean in condition 2:

    When the (SUM(ITEMS.AMOUNT) by ITEMS.CUSTOMER where ITEMS.DUE_DATE < GETDATE() -14) > 0 then "ON STOP"


  • RE: DTS updates

    Thanks Sara - think I know what you're getting at - could be an answer.

    Journeyman - I've tried the data driven task but can't quite figure out the update &...

  • RE: DTS updates

    Hi Sara,

    I understand what you say but the problem is i MUST use a DTS - the crm system i run has an OLE DB that when a DTS passes through...

  • RE: Big One !

    Sorry - can't relate the given link to my problem ?!?


  • RE: Big One !

    Hi Sufian,


    Let me try explain this way:

    a CUSTOMER places an order for, lets say 5 products.

    In order for us to ship the order, we have several SUPPLIERS who may each have...

  • RE: update from max of other table :-(

    You the man!

    Perfectly simple, exactly what i was after.

    Thanks very much for that AJ


  • RE: query query (if u know what i mean!)

    Excuse the expletive but, bloody hell !!!

    That's what i call a reply !!!

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)