Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 366 total)

  • RE: Investing In Your Career

    Steve Jones - Editor (10/9/2009)

    Great to see so many people investing in themselves and taking responsibility for their career.

    Just by visiting SQLServerCentral you're doing that. Learning, reading, asking/answering questions,...

  • RE: Investing In Your Career

    Silverfox (10/9/2009)

    VALEK (10/9/2009)

    Imagine this.. You work in a medium sized company, using MSSQL2005 and nothing else.

    They are very tight on budget, try to be productive, focused and specialised, unlike government...

  • RE: Investing In Your Career

    I think training is important and especially with us working in technology that changes everyday we have to stay on top. Unfortunately my employer does not send me on training...

  • RE: B-tree

    I just said to myself that I don't think a B-Tree is a Binary tree rather a Balanced tree but then I searched it on Google and saw in big...

  • RE: SQL LEN Function

    Rick Romack (9/10/2009)

    I do disagree with this answer,

    If I run


    SET @STR = '1, 2, 3, '

    SET @STR = LEFT(@str, LEN(@str)- 2)


  • RE: Squeezing the DBA

    Grant Fritchey (9/3/2009)

    That's a tough question. There are so many comparisons these days between our current financial situation and the Great Depression. I don't think most of the comparisons hold...

  • RE: Overselling Yourself

    That is so true and we, yes I include myself, do not always pay attention to little details like spelling and big details like attitude. :w00t::w00t:

  • RE: Overselling Yourself

    Oops! I wonder what he'll say about my articles and blogs!!! Don't look please.:w00t::w00t:

  • RE: int & char

    Paul White (7/17/2009)

    For those too lazy to look up CAST and CONVERT (in the truncating and rounding results section):

    The integer value 34 is not converted to char(34), it is converted...

  • RE: int & char

    mike (7/13/2009)

    mike (7/13/2009)

    I also don't get it. Why doesn't it cast 34 to char(34) (double quotes ?)

    Anyone care to enlighten us?

    OK I get it. Should really read BOL before posting!


  • RE: The Independence Day Ruckus

    Well here in South Africa we do not have an Independence Day and what we have in common with the US is fighting the British and there was actually a...

  • RE: The Busman's Holiday

    Tell me all about it. I found a way to make my family understand that I am a software developer and that hardware is not my thing and sorry, I...

  • RE: Disaster Recovery - An Afterthought?

    Whether you call it disaster recovery or basic recovery doesn't matter. What matters is that you have it in place. You need to make sure that backups is in place...

  • RE: Trusting Online

    Trust is like respect earned not given but trust runs wide. Like Lynn said, you can trust your doctor with your health but not with your car or computer. I...

  • RE: Becoming a DBA

    I just received my Simple Talk newsletter and the editorial was about "The Exceptional DBA - a Developer's Perspective" by Laila and I quote a piece from her editorial here.


Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 366 total)