Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

  • RE: Data Transfer through SQl servers

    As requirement owner says there is no much flexibility in SSIS as in T-Sql query, so decided not to use SSIS, as I know BCP and others are used mostly...

  • RE: Data Transfer through SQl servers

    No this is a project requirement:-)

  • RE: Data Transfer through SQl servers

    This is a requirement. I have to do with out using SSIS, 🙂

  • RE: DateTime Error

    The solution u gave will work fine, but how to know the current date format in sql, so that i can give that dateformat as

    SET DATEFORMAT Current Date Format...

  • RE: Help Needed

    ;WITH cte as


    SELECT id,name,


    ,topid FROM tree WHERE topid = 0

    UNION all



    FROM tree t1

    JOIN cte c ON = t1.topid AND c.

    = t1.Id


    SELECT * FROM...

  • RE: Help Needed


    I tried with recursive cte and self join. But not getting required output:-)

  • RE: Help Needed ???

    Thanks to everyone 🙂

  • RE: Help Needed ???

    Thanks Florian Reischl

    ur query wil perform better than mine

  • RE: Help Needed ???

    Thanks Christopher Stobbs

    Ur Query is performing btter than mine:-)

  • RE: Help Needed ???


    Gianluca Sartori

    declare @tbl table(id int)

    insert @tbl select 12

    insert @tbl select 13

    insert @tbl select 16

    insert @tbl select 17

    insert @tbl select 18

    insert @tbl select 15

    insert @tbl...

  • RE: Row Count


    I saw in Profiler,ur query wil perform poorly than my query.Urs wil take

    twice as much as reads and cpu and duration of my...

  • RE: Stored Procedures

    execute sp_helptext 'ProcedureName' to get the script for Procedure

  • RE: Row Count

    hi, U sent

    with cte as (select *,Row_number() over(order by id) as rownumber,

    count(*) over() as total from TableName)

    select * from cte where rownumber between some integers

    ok its...

  • RE: AND & OR precedance.

    the precedence of OR & AND & NOT goes with brackets i think.

    select * from temp where (loginname='Raj' AND password='abcd')

    OR FirstName='Raju'

    here both (loginname and password) acts s one...

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)