Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)

  • RE: How to get records batch wise?

    Here is the query:







    ,[USERID] - Unique ID


  • RE: How to get records batch wise?

    The table was provided by product that we use in client location. Order can be anything, but need to cover all records from table in 100 batches.


  • RE: could not connect to server because sa is not defined as a remote login at the server

    I get this when I execute a SQL Job.


    Mahesh Mamidi

  • RE: Is there anyway I can get XML data into a table?

    Yes, varchar columns are fine. But each element of the xml should go into separate column. But how do I extract the XML data elements into a table?


  • RE: Is there anyway I can get XML data into a table?

    Can someone help me in this? It's little urgent.....


  • RE: Is there anyway I can get XML data into a table?

    using XML we can store full xml in one column. But I am looking at storing XML data elements into table columns. For instance I have below xml


  • RE: Transfer XML data to tables

    Can someone help me on this? I am posting XML here

    (?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

    (?test-Property-Set EscapeNames="false"?>

    - (testMessage xmlns="" TimeZone="W. Europe Standard Time" SegmentationNewId="1+7CP4+0" IsPrimaryChange="" UserId="1-PMIZNX" SubsidiaryNewId="1-8471-22"...

  • RE: Transfer XML data to tables

    Can someone help me on this? I am posting my XML file here





  • RE: Bulk Insert Format file prblem

    Can anyone help me in this?


  • RE: Bulk Insert Format file prblem

    File doesn't have any footer.

    Will you be able to give me the right query for this problem?

    To create file format

    Exec master..xp_cmdShell 'bcp US..TEST1 format -c -f  "D:\nnf.txt"  -S  SERVERNAME  -U SA...

  • RE: Bulk Insert Format file prblem

    1. If you look at my Bulk Insert statement I am ignoring header record by giving "FIRSTROW = 2"

    2. When I generate file format using BCP command it is generating...

  • RE: Bulk Insert Format file prblem


    Table Format



    1       SQLNCHAR      2       510     "|"                       1     Token                     SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    2       SQLNCHAR      2       510     "|"                       2     Symbol                    SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    3       SQLNCHAR      2       510     "|"                       3     Series                    SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    4       SQLNCHAR      2       510     "|"                       4     InstrumentType            SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    5      ...

  • RE: Bulk Insert Format file prblem

    How to upload my sample file to this email thread?  I want to give my sample text file and also table format file, so that any of you can help...

  • RE: Bulk Insert Format file prblem

    Anybody can help me in this?

  • RE: Bulk Insert Format file prblem

    Test1 table contains around 40 fields with VARCHAR(255) and also I tried with proper data types. still same error.

    Can't provide the data

    using SQL...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)