Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 596 total)

  • RE: Use Tools

    stephanie.sullivan (5/24/2012)

    Frank Bazan (5/24/2012)The owner might then consider that giving this lawnmower to the cheapest gardener was a false saving 😉

    Wouldn't the guy with more experience be hired back pretty...

  • RE: Use Tools

    Jeff Moden (5/23/2012)

    TravisDBA (5/23/2012)

    Unfortunately, too many people in this business look at things exactly that way. 😀

    I'm all in favor of making my job easier. I'm all in favor...

  • RE: Use Tools

    TravisDBA (5/23/2012)

    I asked a DBA once "Why don't you automate all of this stuff?" His answer was "I am the only one in the company that knows how to do...

  • RE: Use Tools

    chrisn-585491 (5/23/2012)

    I so often see people working in IT fail to take advantage of all the tools we have to automate much of their jobs. They often tell me if...

  • RE: Use Tools

    I was rather shocked when I read this editorial.

    When Steve said he often gets told by IT workers that if they automate too much, they'll become redundant, that got me...

  • RE: Stop Asking and Start Making Decisions Today

    An excellent article.

    Just as with one of the previous posters, it's the way I work already. However, it's all too easy to make these mistakes, especially for any technical people,...

  • RE: Promoting Engineers

    andrew gothard (5/7/2012)

    majorbloodnock (5/1/2012)

    Eric M Russell (5/1/2012)

    Most sales professions get paid on commission, so it seems to me that a company's "best" sales people (those who consistently open a large...

  • RE: Promoting Engineers

    Eric M Russell (5/1/2012)

    Most sales professions get paid on commission, so it seems to me that a company's "best" sales people (those who consistently open a large number of high...

  • RE: Promoting Engineers

    Never, ever promote your best salesperson

    Seems to me this is treating your best salesperson as a commodity; Deploy them where they're most effective and exploit their abilities to the full....

  • RE: A Lifetime of Software

    I've spent the past couple of decades seeing the steady march of IT within businesses, and we're now well past the point that IT became regarded as a mainstream business...

  • RE: A Welcome Intruder

    I certainly do perform various tests on our application, database and infrastructure security, but I only see that as the first layer. I'm not a security expert, so my coding,...

  • RE: Are You Easy To Work With?

    Mork (11/23/2011)

    "Sometimes it takes someone who plays Devil's Advocate, who challenges, who dictates, who is single-minded, whose convictions are unshakeable".

    I am glad you used the word "sometimes". I know a...

  • RE: Are You Easy To Work With?

    WolforthJ (11/23/2011)

    When the team does the equivalent of locking the door to the cubes and finds that a meeting with the business people the equivalent of an hour of water...

  • RE: Are You Easy To Work With?

    laura davis (11/23/2011)

    When we are hiring, I look for someone with good hygiene, who will show up & actually get the job done, and that I want around 40 hrs/wk.


  • RE: Are You Easy To Work With?

    In general, I agree with what you're saying, Andy. The ability to mesh with others in your team is an important part of working as part of a team, and...

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 596 total)