Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: splitting a column in to 3 columns


    You can use the below query in the ssis.

    I have taken your string in to one variable and splitted the string in to 3 columns.

    There are two methods to...

  • RE: Parameter value resetting problem

    Thanks for your reply. I had already mentioned in my earlier mail that without changing the stored procedure I need the solution.

    Please help

  • RE: please help me to develop this query


    Thanks for your valuable suggestion.



  • RE: please help me to develop this query


    Thanks for your suggestions. I am posting the output of the results which needs to come.

    my table contains below data



    name dt

    xxx 01-Apr-2010

    xyz 02-May-2010

    abc 01-Mar-2010

    results should come like below

    name dt

    xxx 01-Apr-2010


  • RE: How to find missing numbers in database


    Can you try the below query.

    Select rollno

    from tbl

    where rollno not between

    1 and 5000

    Hope it solves your problem.



  • RE: Please help me to create the sample query

    Table has so many rows i can't use hard-coded limit on this. If table has less rows then that is feasible way.I think cursor is better option to go. What...

  • RE: Please help me to create the sample query

    I am using sql server 2000. Is it possible to do in sql server 2000?



  • RE: Please help me to create the sample query


    I have a table named resource.

    the table structure as follows






    Sample Data


    UserID |     Name           | ManagerID

    5000         Sandeep        10000

    5001         Saket            10000 

    5002         Rahul             10000

    10000       Bindu               1

    1              Admin              1 

    6001         Test1             5000

    6002         Test2             5000

    7001         Test3             5001

    Query i wrote to...

  • RE: create HTML formatted emails from sql server

    Thanks prashant for article.



  • RE: How to create excel from stored procedure

    Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for reply. I tried the options you suggested in URL.

    When i tried Creating Excel spreadsheets via ADODB option

    "Execute permission denied for SP_OACreate & SP_OADestroy objects under database  master owner...

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)