Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: Short cut key

    GSquared (7/15/2008)

    The Tools\Options window in Management Studio says that Alt+F1 runs sp_help. I tried a few options. If I select an object in the object explorer window, it...

  • RE: Moving Files

    I was in doubt too if choosing the third option or not, but then I noticed the "name followed by the semicolon" thing and checked that the "-d" only accepted...

  • RE: Data Rich and Information Poor

    Well... I did recognize the Fibonacci sequence 🙂

    For those curious about it: Fibonacci numbers

    It has a lot of mathematical properties and is also related to the "classical" Golden Ratio 😎


  • RE: ALL

    I just noticed that the answer says "A ->= would return true", while I guess the author had "<=" in mind... 😉

    Thanks for the collation hint, I ran into such...

  • RE: Cloning

    Thanks to you, bitbucket 🙂

    Many times questions are more important than answers, since they lead you to search by yourself... and you usually learn much more from that search than...

  • RE: Cloning

    I first thought a "clone" was a 1-to-1 copy of all the data, so I chose the third answer...

    Well, if you had a big database, having to copy it...

  • RE: Sort Order - Include Null al last

    I only have 6 pages here... not to say that showing 100 post on a page would even lower their number 😀

    ( just kidding 😉 )

    I'm faithful too that someone...

  • RE: Friday the 13th

    Well... strange things usually happen on fridays, especially when you have no time to fix them 🙂

    From that point of view Friday 13th is not different from many other fridays...

  • RE: Sort Order - Include Null al last

    That's for sure 😀

  • RE: Sort Order - Include Null al last

    The question is to have list off all employees with the employees with DateOfLeaving coming last and all others sorted ascending order of date of leaving

    Maybe he wanted to say...

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)