Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 376 through 390 (of 13,429 total)

  • RE: Having issues with creating a FK

    your Table structure has all the columns in brackets, so that the name with spaces doesn't break the CREATE TABLE command..
    your Foreign keys simply need to have the same logic.

  • RE: MSSQL - Create relational schema from inherited database

    Doing a best guess at Foreign keys depends on the design and proper naming conventions.
    for example, do all the tables have primary keys? are they properly named? (ie TableNameID...

  • RE: To find the when SQL server was rebooted couple of times earlier?

    The SQL Error Log has what you are looking for
    Every time an instance is restarted, the previous log is closed and marked as archived, and the new one is...

  • RE: Formatting in HTML table

    sqlenthu 89358 - Tuesday, July 18, 2017 5:05 AM

    Lowell - Monday, July 17, 2017 6:27 AM

    July 18, 2017 at 5:20 am


  • RE: Hashing column using SHA256

    Hashbytes is a varbinary(8000) return value, so you need a larger column, and then you are all set.
    you do NOT need to filter or edit your columns for dashes...

  • RE: Hashing column using SHA256

    sure the final result must be one of those data types....but you can convert your columns to the acceptable data types and you are all set.
    and anyplace they say...

  • RE: Same query different Execution plan on two different server

    files are actually zip files with a sqlplan extension.

    On Plan1_server1 you can see the estimated and actual number of rows are way off(estimated = 91.2K, actual = 1.8K,...

  • RE: Hashing column using SHA256

    variable, string OR [COLUMN NAME] of type varchar/nvarchar  is accepted for the parameter!
    so if you choose a column, or the converted value of a column that is NOT a...

  • RE: Formatting in HTML table

    For the RevenueAmt, if the datatype is MONEY, the convert function has an additional parameter and will insert your commas for you. if it si a decimal, you have to...

  • RE: Solution to audit login

    I did this once, when we identified that developers were using the application login as their  dev login to do work. I got the management buy in that this should...

  • RE: Solution to audit login

    As John Mitchell noted in the other thread,,all you can do is reasonably infer the person, based on the IP address or hostname(whihc technically can be spoofed in the connection...

  • RE: List of scheduled sql jobs

    the first table should be sysjobs, as some jobs may exist but have NEVER been executed,and thus have no history.
    also, the joins should be LEFT JOINs, since jobs could...

  • RE: Linking instances in a cluster

    Robert, are you talking about each Server in an Always On Availability Group, or a Windows Server Failover Cluster with shared storage and a cluster aware SQL instance?


  • RE: task => generate script with tool sqlCmd

    I've seen issues like this in the GUI scripting; when you use an older version of SQL Server Management Studio(lets say 2008 or 2012) and are connecting to a higher...

  • RE: Can't convert minutes to hours after 24 hours

    you could do it as a string representation like this:

    ElapsedString    Days    Hours    Minutes    Seconds    Milliseconds
    3:03:30:11    3    3    30    11    446
    WITH MySampleData
       [Days]    = datediff(day,0,ET-ST),

Viewing 15 posts - 376 through 390 (of 13,429 total)