Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 109 total)

  • RE: Antipathy for Entity Attribute Value data models

    I wouldn't want to change the table structure every time a requirement changes.

    The DBA has better things to do, and many DBAs are not noted for their SQL programming skills.


  • RE: Antipathy for Entity Attribute Value data models

    I'll have a crack at answering these, since I've designed an EAV system for storing configuration data using lists and lists or lists

    Q. Who implements the restrictions as to which...

  • RE: Antipathy for Entity Attribute Value data models

    Hasing can accelerate searching for equality/inequality, but after an equality match you still got to compare the base data as collisions will occur. More frequently so as the size of...

  • RE: Antipathy for Entity Attribute Value data models

    I made an entire subsystem for EAV data, in order to hold configuration information to be used by the entire enterprise.

    There are stored procs, DTS packages, jobs, C# apps, web...

  • RE: Help !! Create dynamically table destination

    Gembox software makes a component that reads xls and xlsx files without using automation.

    You could use it inside a CLR stored proc to return a result set with any number/type/names...

  • RE: Date Comparisons

    You learn something new every day (if you're lucky).

    Had no idea it was incompatible with DateTime2.

  • RE: Date Comparisons

    Aargh! I knew that! Failure to engage brain before engaging fingers!


    is what I meant.

  • RE: Deadlock In SQL

    Just FYI

    AND PM.[MId] NOT IN (SELECT MId FROM [tblContact] WHERE [Isdeleted] = 0

    is equivalent to

    --other joins not shown

    LEFT JOIN [tblContact] tc ON tc.MId = PM.[pMId] and [Isdeleted] =...

  • RE: Deadlock In SQL

    GilaMonster is exactly right - removing the NOT INs is not a long term resolution as the deadlocks will still occur, just not as frequently. Expressing them as left joins...

  • RE: Date Comparisons

    That's why I cast the date as an int. The fractional part of the date is the time. Casting is pretty fast.

  • RE: Deadlock In SQL

    I'd be willing to bet a dollar it has something to do with those two "NOT IN"s in the query.If you change those to left joins I bet the problem...

  • RE: Date Comparisons

    Apropos of nothing, my favorite is

    declare @i int

    select @i=CONVERT(int,cast('01/07/2013' as datetime) )

    SELECT * FROM table where

    CAST(field AS int) = @i

    It's very fast.

  • RE: Select query to determine unique values

    If it produces the results the results you desire, no.

    If not, it may require some tweaking.

    It's what you asked for, but is it what you wanted? Only you can answer...

  • RE: Select query to determine unique values

    GrpID GrpName PrvID PrvName Spc

    1234 Med Associates (blank) (blank) Mixed

    1234 Med Associates 6875 Bill Ham Cardiology

    1234 Med Associates 3274 Sarah Jones Cardiology

    8975 Pulm Associates (blank) (blank) Mixed

    5781 Babies Inc. (blank)...

  • RE: Name query resultls by different column names

    This is a total mess that should be thrown out

    Ah, and if we were the boss of all creation how differently things might be designed! Unfortunately we work in the...

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 109 total)