Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 58 total)

  • RE: EXEC xp_cmdshell error

    Are you trying to run the powershell script against the local SQL Server? I know from experience when connecting using WMI (via any method) you cannot supply username/password for the...

  • RE: After having moved a .mdf when SSMS would not start

    I'd recommend moving the .mdf file back, taking the database offline, move the files, run an alter database statement to move the pointers to the new file location then bring...

  • RE: buffer latch Issues

    Also, what are the current sizes of the data and log files for that database, and what are the autogrowth options set to for the files?

  • RE: Hidden SAN fragmentation

    As hveermak mentioned, the first thing would be to check whether your SAN storage is using thick or thin provisioning for the volumes, as once you know that you have...

  • RE: SQL Clustering and VMware

    I'd be tempted to NOT p2v them, but instead build new VMs (and storage) completely fresh (assuming the installs/configuration is documented) and set them up as a brand new cluster...

  • RE: Moving from Standalone to clustered SQL

    Yeah, for all kinds of reasons, I'd never recommend detaching databases/volumes from a LUN from a SAN and just adding it to a cluster, there's so many issues that can...

  • RE: datatype doubts

    What are you actually trying to accomplish here though? The TIMESTAMP data type isn't actually a date/time format, and I believe it's being withdrawn in future versions of SQL Server...

  • RE: Special character in password

    Yeah, I think it was how the application was parsing the connection string to get the password, as I could connect with the same username/password combo fine in SSMS, but...

  • RE: SQL SERVER 2008 64 bit installation on Windows 2008 - Error code 32

    What edition of SQL Server and Windows Server are you using?

  • RE: Cannot generate SSPI context

    What account is the SQL Server service running as, a domain account or local account? Sounds like it could be an SPN registration issue perhaps if the server and service...

  • RE: Global temporary tables as MYSQL named locks

    I've done something similar in the past, having a web application that multiple users were using to update data at the same time. Rather than even thinking about concurrency issues...

  • RE: Special character in password

    I've experienced this issue if the application is using a SQL login and the @ character is in the password. I could never get the application to connect properly so...

  • RE: Backup Size.

    The calculation is wrong, it should be


    I think

    I did it with a quick test of a non compressed, T-SQL only backup here and the value tallied with the...

  • RE: Database Mirroring with clustering

    Thanks for the clarification. And yes, that last point is critical. Once the cluster comes back online, and available again, I need to understand how long it will likely take...

  • RE: Database Mirroring licence query

    Yeah, that's what I was kind of thinking myself. However, if I wanted to use Standard Edition for instance, would that need a license?

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 58 total)