Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: New SetOpts value in 2012?

    I found the answer my self. The value 262144 represents a plan that has "SET ROWCOUNT" > 0.

  • RE: Named Pipes

    NP demands an "authenticated network connection". You can try to see if you can connect with explorer to the SQL server as you say that the app's windows account has...

  • RE: Nov 21 - just wrong

    I also want to add following to above:

    Change the primary key clustered index to non-clustered and create a new one on START_DT.

    I interpreted this as create a new primary key...

  • RE: Procedure cache - recompile problem

    Just a follow-up to setopts & 2 = 2

    USE master

    EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced option', '1'

    EXEC sp_configure 'max degree of parallelism','1'


    This will lead to a setopts column of 0. IE setopts...

  • RE: Procedure cache - recompile problem

    The problem is just that Microsoft is reluctant to publish this.

    We have to wait until they understands the need for official documentation.

    Or that we get an official explanation of this...

  • RE: Procedure cache - recompile problem

    This Post is lengthy (it includes a long script)

    We have a lot of different business logic in our triggers.

    I first need to thank you for trying to find a solution....

  • RE: Procedure cache - recompile problem

    Thank you for the suggestions.

    We have gone through the syscacheobjects table. Note that the setopts values are not completely documented for SQL 2000.

    And this problem arises because a trigger has...

  • RE: Procedure cache - recompile problem

    To minimize the recompile time your suggestion would perhaps work. We already have code that loops for executing SP's and some other code.

    If Microsoft does not understand the performance...

  • RE: Procedure cache - recompile problem

    No, the problem is not the code that makes the update. The trigger objects will recompile regardless of what object is doing the update.

    From our point of view:

    SQL server have...

  • RE: Procedure cache - recompile problem

    A temporarily solution could following code change be:

    select @cnt = count(*) from #a, fh where


    if @cnt between 1 and 4



  • RE: Procedure cache - recompile problem

    The problem that we are facing is an unnecessary recompile of up to 5 seconds in certain situations. This is mostly due to the fact that we have most of...

  • RE: Procedure cache - recompile problem

    Example script:

    set nocount on


    if object_id('cache_test') is not null

    drop table cache_test


    create table cache_test


    id int not null,

    descr varchar(30) not null,

    rowcreateddt datetime not null default getdate(),

    rowcreatedby varchar(30) not null default


    testcolumn varchar(30) null,

    primary key...

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)