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Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 30 total)

  • RE: Stored Procedures

    Your right - what works works. Appreciate all the help here and have learned a lot for future tasks - we can close this issue now

  • RE: Stored Procedures

    Just looked up scope_identity. Nice, except for one thing - no yelling now, I did not right the program, there tables DO NOT seem to have any identity fields...

  • RE: Stored Procedures

    waht is scope_identity()

  • RE: Stored Procedures

    sorry - the psuedo code was an example of what I wanted to do, the actual code is all in one procedure

  • RE: Stored Procedures

    understood. BTW EXISTS works nicely so far

  • RE: Stored Procedures

    I will look into the EXISTS you mention. I was usign the @@ERROR test to also decide what information I would add to the return mesage. There are...

  • RE: Stored Procedures

    You are almost correct. It is not an all or nothing in all situations. The fatal errors will of course never get to the commit section anyway.

    I only...

  • RE: Stored Procedures

    Are you saying I need to start all this over again in another forum?

  • RE: Stored Procedures

    by passing 2 parameters from Visual Foxpro [VFP9] procedure to SQL thru SQL passthru

    I create one header record, one edit record, one setup record, one revenue code record and one...

  • RE: Stored Procedures

    Can't use try catch - still in SQL 2000 :(.

    Don't know what a CTE is - my bad.

    I check to see if the record was inserted or not by testing...

  • RE: Stored Procedures

    Everything is already in one stored procedures. Not real familiar with the term SET BASED OPERATIONs but assume it means handling flow with mem vars.

    The stored procedure has become huge...

  • RE: Stored Procedures

    Been programming in Foxpro for many years, never heard of GOTO before. SQL is so picky that I just wanted to be certain before I blew something up that...

  • RE: Stored Procedures

    Then I am to understand - when one of the stored procedures has completed it's task, it will return to the calling procedure.?

    I usually try to follow the principle that...

  • RE: Executing a SSIS package from a Stored Procedure

    SO how is an SSIS job created - I cna find nothing so far in the way of examples

    I basicaly want to download a csv file from a webstie and...

  • RE: Executing a SSIS package from a Stored Procedure

    can anyone advise on how to do this from within VFP9?

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 30 total)