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Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 79 total)

  • RE: multiple datasets

    Here are some details

    create table employee(

    EMP nvarchar (10),

    STATE ...

  • RE: multiple datasets

    That sounds right, what i had to do is a another dataset that gives me only the 1st one. Is there a way to right it where i don't...

  • RE: two conditions

    I have two datasets

    lets just say dataset3 and dataset4

    When I run this:

    =Sum(Fields!S125.Value, "DataSet4")

    It gives me the sum of each employee in one total.

    This is what I expect to see

    employee ...

  • RE: two conditions

    That works. Thanks

  • RE: two conditions

    Ok, i got it to work with two conditions:

    =(iif(trim(Fields!PAYROLCD.Value) like "*S401BM*", "S401BM", nothing) + iif(trim(Fields!PAYROLCD.Value) like "*S401DM*", "S401DM", nothing

    but when i add the 3rd condition the 3rd one gives me...

  • RE: two conditions

    I got it to work like this:

    =iif(trim(Fields!PAYROLCD.Value) like "*S4BSC*", "S4BSC", nothing) + iif(trim(Fields!PAYROLCD.Value) like "*S401K*", "S401K", nothing)

    I replaced the or with a plus sign

  • RE: two conditions

    I can get this to work

    =iif(trim(Fields!PAYROLCD.Value) like "*S4BSC*", "*S4BSC*", nothing)

    but when i try to get two of them together to work i get error on both lines it should display...

  • RE: two conditions

    I got it to work this way

    =(Iif(trim(Fields!PYRLRTYP.Value) = 2 AND trim(Fields!SFRFEDTX.Value) = 0 AND TRIM(Fields!payrolcd.Value) LIKE "*[SMED]*", CDbl(Fields!UPRTRXAM.Value),CDbl(0)))

  • RE: two conditions

    It returns zero's

  • RE: two conditions

    I lied it didn't work

  • RE: two conditions

    I got it. I replace the % with * and it works

  • RE: two conditions

    This doesn't return anything when I put the like expression in it.

    =sum(Iif(trim(Fields!PYRLRTYP.Value) = 2 AND trim(Fields!SFRFEDTX.Value) = 0 AND TRIM(Fields!payrolcd.Value) LIKE "SMED%", CDbl(Fields!UPRTRXAM.Value),CDbl(0)))

    Is there a work around.

  • RE: two conditions

    =sum(Iif(trim(Fields!payrolcd.Value) = "SALARY" and trim(Fields!PAYRCORD.Value) = "SALARY", cint(Fields!Untstopy.Value),0))

    Ok when i put the cint in front it gives me numbers now, but it rounds them. Is there a way i...

  • RE: two conditions


  • RE: two conditions


    [rsAggregateOfMixedDataTypes] The Value expression for the textrun ‘textbox35.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]’ uses an aggregate function on data of varying data types. Aggregate functions other than First, Last, Previous, Count, and CountDistinct can...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 79 total)