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Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: Keeping user database in memory

    colin Leversuch-Roberts (1/30/2009)

    I have to be honest I've never read so much or seen such wasted time over an issue that can be resolved with the addition of memory! In...

  • RE: Keeping user database in memory

    Tim Wilson-Brown (1/29/2009)

    Going a long way back to one of LCAD's initial posts:

    Is the historical data stored in the same tables as the operational data?

    If it is, then your startup...

  • RE: Keeping user database in memory

    Michael Valentine Jones (1/28/2009)

    Although you cannot absolutely force data into memory, you can do things that ensure the vast majority is there, like run queries against all tables that require...

  • RE: Keeping user database in memory

    Lynn Pettis (1/28/2009)

    My concern is actually data growth. The database may only be 2GB today, next year it could be 4GB. Seems like you end up constantly adding...

  • RE: Keeping user database in memory

    We'll, I do say that this is OK.

    The clients currently turn at around 1.6 GB stable, while peaking at around 2.2 GB.

    The clients usually take less then 40...

  • RE: Keeping user database in memory

    noeld (1/27/2009)

    I have seen similar scenarios and I I know that the proplem is APP design.

    Are you sure your app needs ***ALL*** before it starts.

    I have been working with SCADA...

  • RE: Keeping user database in memory

    GilaMonster (1/26/2009)

    serge.kovacs (1/26/2009)

    Maybe I wasn't clear on the inner workings of the application on start-up. It will load all data from all tables so there should be no need to...

  • RE: Keeping user database in memory

    OK, I guess there really isn't anyway around this one (except better HW).

    Thnx for all the people helping me to understand this 🙂

  • RE: Keeping user database in memory

    Maybe I wasn't clear on the inner workings of the application on start-up. It will load all data from all tables so there should be no need to use indexes....

  • RE: Keeping user database in memory

    2 Gb is indeed tiny, but this only the operational data (history now is 3 GB and will continue growing 🙂 )

    Indexing shouldn't be a problem. Every table has a...

  • RE: Keeping user database in memory

    I'm restarting the app, not the SQL Server and I found that it is due to disk I/O from SQL Server. Unfortunately the SQL server is under control of a...

  • RE: Keeping user database in memory

    Looking closer at the explanation on you'll find:

    This functionality was introduced for performance in SQL Server version 6.5. DBCC PINTABLE has highly unwanted side-effects. These include the...

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)