Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 24 total)

  • RE: Date Sequence

    Thanks Mike

    That is what I was looking for.

  • RE: The Case for GUIDs

    Just use a decimal(38,0) identity

    by my calculations at 14000/sec!!! plenty of room to grow it will take 226,343,484,385,921,073,121,620 melina to run out of numbers.

    We will not have to worry about...

  • RE: AS400 Linked Server

    I have tryed to use the OLEDB provider but it is flakey at best as a linked server. but seems to work great in ADO.

    The most reliable "free" method I...

  • RE: Query Amalizer issue

    I agree with SQLBill

    I tested returning an int column for 66.5 million rows and all displayed

    Make sure you have the latest video driver installed I have seen issues with video drivers...

  • RE: Formulas/Calculations - RS vs. Crystal

    I think you might be dense or microsoft at least doen't make it intuitive. 

    Goto the Data Tab in report designer and click...

  • RE: Quad 700 vs. Dual 1 GHz

    I would say that if you anticipate a very busy server then quad would be better, but if you have "light duty" application then the dual. 

    I would think also...

  • RE: Unique Table issue.

    Just because a view or sql select has a join does not mean it is not updatable.  Check BOL on this.

    The reasion I think it has to do with the...

  • RE: Unique Table issue.

    Which version of access are you using?

    I have seen similar inconsistent behavior.  I believe that for some reason Access uses user.table for the default unique table.  Therefore, when you the dbo...

  • RE: Copying Diagram?

    in enterprise manager select the database you want to script,

    Select menu Tools -> Generate SQL Script...

    Click Show ALL

    Check Script All Objects

    On the options tab check all the options you...

  • RE: data file size -imitations?

    32 TB is the largest file size


    What is the best to do(for spped and reliability): many files of 10 G or a...

  • RE: Insert row with text column

    Yes it is possable.

    it must be creating the textptr for you under the covers. so processing would be very similar.

    could this be related to the cause of our problem?

    well yes,...

  • RE: Composite Keys

    But have I help myself out if I sill have to create a unique index on the natural keys. Then I'll have join back 90% of the time b/c the...

  • RE: Dealing with multiple units of measure

    I personaly am leaning towards A. Which is similar to letting the client handle (since I will be writing the client).

    There are no goverment rules in this application.

    Yes there...

  • RE: Is XML the Answer?

    >The Information Technology arena has no room for extremists. Use the right paradigm/methodology/tool for the job.

    Finally somebody with the right idea.

    Just another tool for the old tool box.

    Like using pliers...

  • RE: Check Constraints versus Lookup Tables

    I have seen databases that did not use lookup tables shrink dramatically once converted to use them. This will help offset if not completely offset any performance issue from...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 24 total)